Sacrificing Peace

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"Light Steve!" I called out to the endless field around me. I can't find him anywhere. I already called out to him multiple times. With Blue Steve awake I thought he would like to see him. I guess I was wrong. We have all been looking for him for a while. The moment he didn't come over to say hi to me I knew something was wrong.

We looked around his old house, as well as areas where the Guardian and Light normally talk. As well as the entrance point of the world beyond where new steves come to rest, but nothing. He was nowhere to be found. He was just.. Gone. I knew the clear lake wouldn't work since it only shows people who are alive. The Guardian is technically still alive, but not Light.

"Still nothing?" Blue asked me, confused by who I kept calling out his name.

"No... He would always teleport to me when I say his name..." I mumbled. Looking around I could tell we were far from where most steves would wonder. I can use my powers to teleport around. All steves can, but it wont help me find Light since I can only go to familiar places like the clear lake. Blue Steve hugged me and I hugged back.

"He'll be okay. I'm sure of it." Blue reminds me, as he lets go of me from the hug.

"Right! He is one of the strongest steves that I know and has faced through almost as many things as I have." I tell myself to relax. It seemed to help since I felt less shaky after saying those words.

"And he has helped me more than you know.." I heard him mutter.  I was about to ask what he meant when I heard a soft humming. This was not the humming of a steve, but a portal. There aren't any portals here as far as I know. Why would there even be a portal this far from where most Steve Spirits live. I went to the sound and Blue followed me soon after hearing the sound himself.

"Is that a portal?" Blue pointed forward. Looking where he was pointing I saw a strange portal in the distance. I picked up my pace to head closer to it. Blue followed right behind me. The portal glowed bright in front of me, and the closer I got to it the worst of a feeling I got. This wasn't a normal portal. Not one we should know about.

Something suddenly came out of the portal and I quickly stopped myself and Blue. A Red figure came out of the portal with a Blue Figure. The Blue figure was all too familiar. It was the same dark shade of Blue I could only now regonize anywhere.

The Blue Elder.

I clenched my fist with anger and put my hand in front of Blue to protect him. He took over my friend Blue Steve. He took me to a dark and twisted world to stop me, but I got him back. In the end I got my friend back. He will never lay his hands on Blue Steve again, but why is here? I looked at Blue Steve who seemed filled with fear and paled at the sight of the Blue Elder. He started to walk away. I could hear him mumble panic words.

"No no no... not them.. They can't.. I don't want to go back." Them? He must know who The Blue Elder is standing with. I hugged him in comfort. I can't ask him who that is now, but I need to keep him safe. They may have something to do with Light Steve.

"Leave Blue, go back to Hypno and tell him what's happening. I'll stay here and see what they are up to okay?" I asked. Blue Steve nodded and I teleported him away as quietly as I could. It wasn't quiet enough. I heard the Blue Elder speak.

"Who's there!" I laid on the ground quickly and stayed still. Sabre taught me how to do this. He told me this is something he does a lot when listing in on villains. He doesn't do it much now since now all villains know about him and he can't hide from them like I can now.

"Fine, I'll head over now." He responded to what seemed like no one. He went back into the portal giving the white figure to the red figure. I slowly moved closer to get a better look at the figure to see if I could get a better view of who they are. Soon I couldn't get any closer without being seen, but I was close enough to see the two figures. The red figure looked like a disformed fiery steve, but who he was holding I recognized with one look at his face. Light Steve.

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