12 0 0


W: You’re cute, but I can’t really deal with your whole situation right now
D: Oh I understand, I can’t deal with it either


D: I ate 6 sandwiches in, like, 4 minutes and now I can't move
W: I can offer mouth to mouth
D: Don't you DARE extract any of my sandwiches


W: I am stupid for free
W: No one pays me to be this stupid and I think that’s very brave


D: Give me ten reasons why I shouldn’t turn into a slug right now
W: I can't think of one reason and it’s pissing me off


W: I just watched Roy drop the TV remote on his foot and the only thing he said was 'I am so tired of being alive.'


D: Strange light in the kitchen so either getting murdered or abducted
D: Will keep you updated
W: What if it's Mothman?
D: Then it’s marriage


D: I hate the way you breathe
D: Not the sound of it, but the fact that you keep doing it


D: I just walked in on Roy drunk singing a lullaby to Lian while putting her to sleep
W: Aw
D: The lullaby was ‘buy you a drank’ by T-pain


W: I think we might have gone overboard with the decorations
D: Naw it looks cool
R: Why is the pool on fire??
D: Aesthetic


W: I just slept for twelve hours, but I’m still exceptionally tired so I’m gonna sleep for twelve more
R: That’s called a coma
D: Sounds festive


W: Ahh I love these lazy Saturdays
D: Wally, It’s Wednesday


D: I will not call you a whore for being sexually active
D: I will, however, call you a whore for stealing my food


W: For me, my coming out was pretty typical
W: My mom cried, my dad drank, and my grandmother got rabies
W: Unrelated, but just a rough weekend all around


D: I scare people lots because I walk very softly and they don’t hear me enter rooms, so when they turn around I’m just kind of there, and their fear fuels me


D: My mind is like an internet browser
W: Explain
D: 15 tabs are open, 7 of them are frozen, and I don't know where the music is coming from


D: Well that was tedious
W: Why are you covered in blood?
W: You went on the subway like that?
D: None of the cabs would take me


R: How are things with you and Dick?
W: Well, we've been on a couple of dates... I really like him
W: The problem is, he's like a perfect human being
W: I can't find one flaw, it's annoying


W: I want a show on HGTV where I just walk around people's houses to point out stuff I don't like then leave
D: I would watch the hell out of that


D: Aye, I’m at the store guess what I’m about to get
R: On my nerves


R: What’s he talking about?
D: It’s not a big deal


D: Listen to me, you rejected American Girl doll


D: My brain working a thousand miles a minute to figure out how to effectively make a guacamole joke that ends with cockamole


D: How the fuck did the fire nation beat fucking anyone their element can’t do shit to any of the others
D: Shoot fire at an airbender?
D: They blow the fire back in your face now you got burn face
D: A waterbender sends a wave at you and you defend with fire?
D: Congrats dipshit now you’ve turned that attack into steam in your eyes at best or boiling water on your skin at worst
D: Earthbender?
D: You throw fire
D: They throw a rock
D: You get hit with hot rock
D: War over
D: Literally the only way the fire nation fought enemies was with slow technological vehicles (drills and airboats) and fucking AMBUSHING PEOPLE
D: AND IT WAS MAINLY AMBUSHING CIVILIANS (against the Geneva Convention)
D: The fire nations army is full of war criminals
W: You think they have the Geneva Convention in ATLA?
D: They don’t even have Geneva


D: Is ‘fuck off’ an emotion? 
D: Because I feel that shit in my soul


W: Anyone else d-
R: Depressed?
D: Dead?
R: Drained?
D: Demented?
R: Disliked?
W: ...Done...with the work
W: What is wrong with you guys?


W: If I died, how much would you miss me?
D: It’s cute that you think death can get you out of this relationship


R: I’m cooking dinner tonight
D: Is that a threat?


D: No wonder the angry one was tryin’ to hang the skinny one in the barn earlier


W: Dick: *kicks the 'G' off a graveyard sign* let's get this party started
W: New members of yj: … wow


D: Pass me a napkin
W: Is milady’s arm broken?
D: Yours is about to be


W: What the fuck did you just spray me with?
D: Warm vanilla sugar body spray
W: WHY?!
D: Because you smell like a gym locker room and it’s gross
D: Honestly, I think you should be more concerned about looking like the Pillsbury Doughboy
W: Are you saying I’m fat?
D: Yeah!!!


W: Good job!
D: You’re giving me a sticker?
W: Not just any sticker, a sticker that says “me-wow!”
D: Wally, I’m not a child
W: Fine, I’ll take it back and give it to Roy than
D: No, back off!
D: I earned this


D: Fuck, I wanna die
W: Language!
D: Heckity heck, I crave death
W: …
W: What the fuck?


D: Well at least if I die, I’ll die doing what I love
W: And that would be?
D: Dying


R: I’m sorry to say this, but you have a capacity to feel and are human
D: Take that back right the fuck now


R: Man I’m a horrible friend
D: You are
R: I was fishing for compliments
D: Get better bait


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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