He Is Out (3)

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Aspen's pov. (20 years old)

Guess what!!!!  Me and Tonks just got promoted again, we are now one of the heads along with Kingsley and another dude named Rolf.  We got the position because Mad Eye and another head auror retired which is sad but also really good.


                                               3 Weeks later

Tonks and I both woke up to the alarm that morning. "I will get breakfast ready while you get ready" I told Tonks. "Okay" she responded. 

When I walked into the kitchen an owl flew in, the letter it dropped was addressed to me and Tonks. I recognize the handwriting as Kingsley's. The letter read:

Dear Nymphadora Tonks and Aspen (Potter) Tonks  (Note: Aspen took their last name)

Something happened late last night, and now the ministry is in a scramble.  The mass murder Sirius Black broke out of prison.  We need you in the office as soon as possible.

                                                                                                                                                             Sincerely, Kingsley 




"You might want to see this, plus you REALLY need to hurry up"

"Okay, I am coming " She replies.

Two minutes later she is done, I throw the letter into her hand and run into the bathroom.  As I am getting dressed, I cannot believe Sirius got out. I remember how when mom and dad were in the hospital when Harry was being born, how Sirius and Remus sat at home and played with me until we could go see Harry.  I remember how Sirius, or Uncle Paddy as I liked to call him, gave me my first broomstick, mom was not to happy about that but even she had to admit, I was a natural flyer.

When I am done getting dressed me and Tonks floo to the ministry and get to work.


1 Week Later

It's been a week and they still have not found Sirius. Everyone is saying that Sirius is going after Harry to 'finish the job', I am scared for Harry, but at the same time I don't think that Sirius would kill Harry. But then again, he has been in Azkaban for 12 years and I have heard stories about what it does to you. 

-sorry they are still short they will slowly be getting longer i hope.

Harry Potters Older Sister****Charlie Weasley****Where stories live. Discover now