Gosh Women, You Are Loud (10)

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Tonks and I got ready around 5:00.  Then waited until we heard a knock on the door.  I get up and answer the door, surprisingly it was Kingsley and Mad Eye.

 "Come on," grunted Mad Eye.

"Okay, TONKS COME ON" I shout across the apartment.

"Okay okay, gosh women you are loud." Tonks says.  Mad Eye rolls his eyes at us or maybe I don't really know how that would work, Kingsley just chuckles.

"Grab onto us Aspen is with Kingsley and Nyphadora you are with me"  Mad Eye half grunts half says.

"Don't call me Nyph-"

"Yeah yeah, come on hurry up the meeting starts in 10 minutes."  He says ignoring Tonks' protests.  I grab onto Kingsley's arm and we apparate.  We land in-between two houses, number 11 and number 13 grimmaled place.  While I am trying to figure out where number 12 is Mad Eye shoves a piece of paper into my hand and tells me to read it and quickly memorize it.  As soon as I do number 12 starts to come in-between number 11  and 13.  When Mad Eye opens the door we walk trough, it is very dark and dusty and looks as if someone has not lived there for 20 years, it also smells of dampness.  We then walk to the dining room/kitchen where the meetings are being held.  I see many people I recognize and some I do not but one person sticks out to me and I cannot believe he is here.

-Next chapter is Charlie

hope you are enjoying!!!

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