My life=horror movie

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*I had a whole different chapter planned for today but I'm freaking out so I am writing this.*

Okay so there is this road about 3 or 4 miles from my house and I like tocall it murder street cause I feel like it would be a place where you could hide a body and nobody would find it. Its got deep ditches and a big bridge. My dumb ass likes to walk down this road a lot. Which isn't a great thing cause I'm already a paranoid bitch. Anyways, my brothers were in town and they were walking with me. My oldest younger brother got a call from his girlfriend and my aunt came and picked both of my brothers up. I usually walk about 9 to 10 miles a day because it helps me think so I decided, like a dumb ass, to walk by myself. So I get about half a mile down this road and I slip and fall into the ditch. As I'm pulling myself up I see two, large black trash bags about 15 feet ahead of me. BUT because I'm not a basic white girl I decided that looking in the bag while I was by myself was the easiest way foreman to die and promptly left. I called my uncle and he is on his way. I'm pretty sure its not a body now, but when I panicked earlier and started writing this I wasn't as sure. That's it. I love you all! If I don't respond for a couple of days it means one of two things, I'm dead or I have been admitted into another mental hospital. See you all later! PEACE! 😁😘❤💙❤💙❤💙

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