Part nineteen

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It had been over a month and two weeks of constant calling, and I still hadn't gotten an answer.  I had no idea If Rahul was doing this on purpose or not.  He had to be ignoring me.  Every time I would call him I got no answer.  The first day this happened I tried to tell myself not to think much about it, but now I had no other option but to overthink about this whole situation.  I had been at home doing absolutely nothing these past weeks, so my mind couldn't help but think I had been lied to.  I knew I shouldn't have trusted him this this fast, but there was still a very small part of me that denied to believe he was doing this on purpose.  He couldn't have just forgotten about me. Could he?

It was getting harder, but I still tried by best to keep that ounce of hope I had left in me. I still hadn't given up calling no matter how many times I got told I was calling the wrong number.  At first I was a little confused by that, but then I later understood that I was simply being fooled. I was calling the right number but someone on the other line kept telling me I called the wrong number to make me stop calling.  However I didn't quite give up till a couple of weeks ago when Vivek, his manager, picked up the call and told me Rahul had gone out of the country for two weeks, and told me to stop calling.  

Hearing that broke me a little inside. 

He obviously was too busy to remember the little promise he made me.  

So I had decided to finally stop calling that number.  My last piece of hope was the letter in my hand.  When we last saw each other, Rahul had given me his address just incase I ever needed.  It's kind of sad to me that I would now have to actually go to his house just because I couldn't get a hold of him through his phone.  I didn't think this would be necessary when he handed me that paper with his address written on it, but here I am, internally thanking myself for not losing this little piece of paper.  I was actually quite surprised when I realized he didn't live too far away from me.  

I gripped tightly onto the letter in my hand, once I saw the big gates surrounding his home.  I wasn't planning on trying to get in, and even if I tried, I doubt it would be possible since he wasn't even at home.  But I had to get this letter to Rahul, which is why I decided I was going to hand it over to the security guard standing outside his gates.  

"Hey, this is Rahul Jaykar's house right, he gave me the address to here" I politely asked the security guard.  

"Yes it is, but sir isn't in the country right now, and I have no idea when he'll be back" he quickly replied, giving me a hint he didn't wan't too many questions being asked right now. 

I sighed in slight frustration.  "But I spoke to Vivek a couple of weeks ago and he said that Rahul would be back by now" I told the guard, clearly not understanding why he still wasn't back.

"Yeah, he still isn't back, and there's nothing I can do about it.  So please try coming back another time" he said, with no emotion.  

"Okay" I released a shaky breath, and held out my hand with the letter in it. "When Rahul get's back could you please give him this" I requested.  "I would really appreciate if you could do that for me" 

He grabbed the letter from my hand and mumbled a simple "Alright".  

I quietly thanked him and took a step towards my cab.  I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw the gates opening for a very familiar looking car to drive in.  I squinted my eyes as I tried to look at the people sitting in the driver and passenger seat of the car.  

My jaw dropped and my heart started to pace as soon I realized it was none other than Rahul and Vivek in the car. 

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