Harry Potter Crossover Part 2

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We are back for more Sherwithan in Hogwarts.

Ill do a sketch soon.

Its almost Halloween and I thought, Hey! Maybe part 2 ^^

If you haven't read part 1.

We left off where Hufflepuff Sherwin gad a chance to talk with Ravenclaw Jonathan at Quiddich practice. And they gonna get cookies.

What's gonna happen next?

Let's read shall we my lil beans >w<


Luci and Sherwin went down to the field, seeing Madame Hooch placing cookies on the table.

Jonathan flew back down to the ground, placing his broomstick to the side next with the others, went to the cookies.

"Come on Sherwin, maybe you'll get the chance to talk to him more." Luci whispered at Sherwin, giving him that silly smirk of hers.

"O-okay...Its time for me to be a lion, hear me roar!" Sherwin said, raising his shoulders back.

"But your a badger." Luci commented.

"W-Whatever." He took a deep breath and walked up to the cookies.

He watched Jonathan looking for a good cookie.

Man, all the cookies look delicious, hope their not one of those potions that make you vomit slugs.

Sherwin was worried and picked up a cookie, he felt a warm hand placed one top of his.

Oh crap, Sherwin looked besides him.

It was Jonathan's...

Sherwins POV

He has such a gentle grip...Id thought they'd be strong, but he's the opposite.

My heart can't take it...

Plus I wanted that creamy cookie. -3-

End of POV

Jonathan's POV

Wow...his hands are cold, like icy cold, it feels very nice on mine.

End of POV

"O-oh..Im sorry, do you want this one?" Jonathan asked politely.

Sherwin got nervous straight away, he got nothing to say.

"Oh uhh...n-no..you can have it." Sherwin suggested, letting go of the cookie.

"No I feel bad, you can have it." The tanned ravenclaw gave him a sweet smile, picking up a different cookie.
That is when he asked.

"So, are you only hear for the cookies or something else?"

Sherwin froze and tries to think, this was all Luci's fault.

She tried to hook Sherwin up with the head player.

"I can see the look in your eye" Jonathan then gave the little ginger puff a smirk.

The Hufflepuff's heart exploded.

Sherwin's POV



End of POV

"To be honest, I find it kinda cute." Jonathan replied.

Sherwin looked down and chuckled softly "a-are you saying for me as a boy to watch you play is cute?" He asked nervously.

Jonathan chuckles and leans closer to his ear "meet me by the Boathouse after practice." He whispered and backed away.

What does he mean? Is he upset? Or does he just wanna hang out?

Sherwin has so many questions and needs answers.

"O-okay." He answered.

Jonathan smiles "see ya then~" He finished his cookie and went back to practice.

"Soooooo how did it go?" Luci teased the red tomato.

"Ah! Luci don't do that."

"Im sorry, but I wanna know."

Sherwin scratched the back of his neck. "H-he wanna meet me after practice by the Boathouse."

"Ooooh!!" Luci giggles and fangirled.

"I-I should go there, you know to be on time." Sherwin said, grabbing his bag.

"Aww Okay, plus I need to go study."

A few minutes walking down to the Boathouse, practice would've ended by now.

Sherwin sat against the edge of the deck, looking down into the water.

"Why would he want me down here?.." He asked himself.

He heard footsteps coming down, getting up and seeing who it is.

"H-hey.." Sherwin said.

"Hey" Jonathan walked up and placing his bag near him.

"Why are we down here?" Sherwin asked.

"Well, I like being down here, it seems peaceful, and away from others." Jonathan answered, stretching his arms out.

"Is there a reason why you brought me here?"

"Well yes." Jonathan rubbed his neck and looked down at red head.

"What is it?" Sherwin looked up at him.

"Hmm, are you still going to the Yule Ball?" He asked.

Sherwin's POV

Wait...I think I know where this is going...

End of POV

"Got a date?"


Jonathan looked down at the water as well.

"Um, would you care to, y-you know.."

Sherwin didn't wanna spoil, so he waited for his final sentence.

"Go with me?" He finished.

"I-Id love- I-I mean...sure." Sherwin tried to sound cool.

Jonathan looked over at him and smiled
"you mean it? That's awesome, plus...all the girls try to ask me out in so many ways, but your different."

"I-I think it'll be fun." Sherwin responded.

"Sweet." Jonathan leaned over and gave him a sweet kiss on a cheek. "Let's head back, just wanna take a nap."

Sherwin fainted after he said something.

Jonathan was surprised and giggled. "Maybe take a nap in the boats then."
He got up and gently picks up the fainted ginger, heading inside the boathouse then climbed up to get on the boat.

He grabbed a blanket and placed it under Sherwin.

Jonathan's POV

He looks so cute when he's passed out.

I laid next with him and shut my eyes.

Sure hope we won't get in trouble for this.

Part 3 coming soon!!

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