As she waited for Adrian to pick up his phone, her fingers traced the outline of her coffee mug, standing in her vast kitchen with wet hair and bored eyes, she wondered what could keep her busy during the day, until the nightfall where she could truly let loose and do the unspeakable, something she frequented.

"My lady?"
Adrian spoke from the other side of the line, not expecting the phone call at such an early hour.

Eve clearly took her time answering with a soft hum, not sparing any words and adrian only got worried more. It was not like her to call, not when she already assigned him a mission, he feared that something bad happened to her while he was away.
Not that she wasn't capable of protecting herself, but after all the years he spent at her side the butler learned that the only thing that could hurt eve was her family.
And both of her families knew more than enough ways to hurt anyone, including her.

"Is something wrong dearest?"
He spoke gently.
And eve closed her eyes, a heavy sigh escaping her lips.

When adrian first called her that she pointed a blade at his eye and almost drove it inside until it came out of the back of his skull, but she couldn't.

Although he had no idea chrollo used to call her that, and had no idea why there was blinding rage in her eyes and a vicious blade pointed at his, he stood there waiting for her next move.
Surprising as it was, eve only backed away from him without saying a single word, and he took it as an approval to call her that. Because he knew, if she didn't approve, he won't be just missing an eye but a rotten corpse.

"Yesterday, i met paku and fei, they have a job for me.. well uh paku has, fei was only there to throw some kicks"

Her voice was calm, Adrian noted, and he took his sweet time answering her.

"And what might that job be, do you need me to find out the truth behind this my lady?"

"No, no. I accepted the job, it doesn't matter what intention they have, i owe pakunoda something, better pay her back than stay in her dept.

All i need you to do is keep your eyes at yukiko, she is my prey nothing shall harm her until i decide otherwise. Is that understood Adrian ?"

Eve's tone was a variation between calm and stern, reflecting clearly how easily her emotions swim to the surface when talking to Adrian, who was one of the few she trusted to a certain point.
Although he showed nothing but loyalty and complete obedience, Eve no longer trusted anyone totally, chrollo made sure of that.

"Yes my lady, is that all?"
And adrian was more than just aware his master didn't trust him completely, yet he thought nothing of it, as long as he didn't betray her than she would keep him at her side, for him that was enough.

"You need to come back safe to me, that's an order too"
Tough love, that's how Eve showed her concern. To that Adrian only smiled finishing their phone call with a sigh and a "yes my lady" escaping his lips in a dazed tone.

The heavy silence quickly took place again once eve placed her phone on a coffee table and walked to her vast wardrobe, deciding on what to wear if she was truly going to start training pakunoda, she had an idea on what her nen ability was, a few more ideas on the things she could do to help improve it but she chose to leave thinking about that for later.

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