Flashback - Happy Birthday!

Start from the beginning

"You mean a litter?" Dylan asked.

"What's a litter?" Ellie asked.

"A bunch of kittens." Joel replied.

The trio continued on their way to Ellie's birthday surprise, moving deeper into the forest. The three made it to a small ledge. Joel pulled back the tree's branches, allowing the twins to head over first. Dylan took Ellie's hand and held on tight, making sure his sister didn't slip.

"Mind your step." Joel said as the twins made their way over.

"We got it." Ellie replied as they carefully moved past Joel.

"Oops." Joel said as he shoved the twins into the lake.

Ellie and Dylan fell into the lake and Dylan helped Ellie up as they emerged from the water. Upon hearing Joel's laughter, the twins turned to see him enjoying the moment.

"What is wrong with you?!" Ellie asked, annoyed.

"You should see your faces right now." Joel chuckled.

"What if we drowned?" Dylan asked.

"You're not gonna drown. You gotta work on that confidence, kiddos." Joel replied with a chuckle.

"Yeah, keep laughing, old man. See what happens." Ellie stated.

"It's this way." Joel informed as he pointed ahead of them.

"You're the worst!" Ellie replied.

Ellie and Dylan began to swim to shore.

"Your swimming's getting better. Remember now, don't just flail about, you gotta---" Joel said.

"'--push the water with your whole arm.'" The twins replied in unison.

"Blah blah blah." Ellie mocked.

"Glad to know I'm getting through." Joel smirked as the twins made it to shore.

Ellie and Dylan followed after Joel. Joel began to lower himself as he saw something in the distance.

"Kids, c'mere. Take a look at this. You see that deer over there?" Joel asked.

"Where?" Ellie asked.

"See it? Just through there, look." Joel pointed at the deer.

The twins joined Joel as they looked across the water at the deer.

"Yeah." Dylan replied.

Dylan looked to his sister and winked as he nodded his head in Joel's direction.

"I see it..." Ellie said and nodded back to Dylan.

"Yeah." Joel replied, unaware of what the twins had planned.

"Looks like..." Ellie said before pushing Joel.

" Ellie said before pushing Joel

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