I'll never be him

Start from the beginning

J: Everyone fears me, okay? I'm only soft towards you!

E: *tucks Jack in* Yeah yeah *kisses his forehead* Now, goodnight, Jack.

J: Not on lips?

E: Tomorrow *winks*

J: Ouch my heart just melted because of that wink.

E: Ofcourse *giggles*

J: Good night, Els.

E: Goodnight! *About to leave*

J: Wait- Elsa!

E: Sshhh, You should rest, we'll talk tomorrow.

J: Fine....*sigh*

Elsa leaves the room as no one is allowed to stay with the patient. Stupid hospital, as Jack says. Elsa goes to the bench nearby and sits there.

She leans back, smiling and looking down at her baby bump. But she felt someone's hand on her shoulder. Hiccup.

"Hey!" Hiccup said sitting beside Elsa. "Hey Hiccup." Elsa said smiling. "Is he okay?" Hiccup asked guiltily. "Yeah. The doctor said he'll be released tomorrow." Elsa said sighing happily.

"I feel kinda guilty as he is in this condition for just trying to save us." Hiccup sighed. "Don't feel guilty as he's alright now!" Elsa said grinning at Hiccup. Hiccup just smiled at her.

"When was the last time you slept?"
Hiccup asked sounding like a brother. "Yesterday? I think." Elsa said with a guilty smile. "You better take some rest. I slept during the day. I'll wake you up on time or if someone hap-"
Hiccup tried to sound nice but was interrupted by Elsa.

"Don't say anything like that. Nothing will happen to him. Also, he'll be discharged tomorrow. And if you say so, I'll try to sleep." Elsa said. "Goodnight Els" Hiccup said walking away so that Elsa would feel more comfortable to sleep.

~At 2 a.m~

The platinum blonde was sleeping peacefully in a sitting position. How did she even manage to do that. Hiccup was just standing near a window talking to Kristoff just because he was bored.

But then a nurse came running out of Jack's room. She was panicking. She looked here and there and then ran away in a direction. Maybe to find the doctor.

Hiccup noticed that. He hung the call and then walked over to Jack's room. He was standing outside. He didn't know what was happening or what to do.

Not after long, the nurse came along with a few more doctors and nurses. Some of the nurses looked at Hiccup with a sad expression. Hiccup knew, it was an emergency. He didn't know whether to wake Elsa up or not but he did anyway.

He went to Elsa and shook her. "Elsa!! Wake up!!" Hiccup said impatiently. "What is it, Hiccup?" Elsa woke up with a yawn.

Hiccup explained her what was happening. Elsa's sleepiness faded away. She ran towards Jack's door and started walking back and forth infront of it.

"Elsa, calm down." Hiccup tried to comfort her but it didn't work. She was getting nervous. She was trying to hold back her tears. She didn't know what to do. She was panicking like heck. She was also feeling something that she never felt before and this wasn't a good feeling at all.

Maybe after 20 mins the doctors and nurses came out of the room looking sad. Elsa understood what was happening but didn't wanted to accept it. She ran to one of the doctors and asked him, "Is he okay?"

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