July 2019

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    July was an eventful month as we still had not finished school, it was the last week of year 8 and everyone was prepping for sports day!
  As every usual day we started texting every night and day and it happened to be the 15th of July the day that would change my life.
We was having a conversation about how much we dreaded sports day which was the next day, the conversation carried on to what lessons you had and you said to me, ' you dont have to be single xx' Later that evening you asked me a lovely question over snapchat, 'wanna go out with me?' so i obviously said yes.
We tried to keep it a secret until sports day (you was doing the high jump and won but A won!) came and  a few people found out that were in our forms but mostly our mates, we tried our hardest not to tell anyone but that never works as on the walk around Urmston Meadows  and we kept on looking at each other other  then the penny dropped for some people! Yet we still didn't speak to each other we texted! Until one day where we spoke  at the bus stop!! We first went out on that following Friday when we had our first kiss at Golden Hill Park. Since then we went out again to Davyhulme on the 29th of July as i was going on holiday all over the summer! This was the only day where i would see him before i go for a month!

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