Kano X femreader my saviour

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Thanks for the request @_kano_11_
I really hope you like it :)

It's kinda long so I tried my best

"So what's the plan?" I ask Kano

"the plan is that we find out what the hell the special forces are up to lately they've been really quiet for the past few months"

Kano looked really annoyed for whatever reason

I work with Kano I'm like a bodyguard almost a back up boss

for whatever reason I kinda look up to him

I work for the black dragon is what I'm saying I'm like a...'second boss' from what Kano told me but he was the big boss here 'nobody fuck with him or fucks him over' is what he also told me and who ever worked for him

It had to be about 2 years since I joined and some how I was just such a good scumbag they promoted me to second boss not that I really had a choice but I don't hate it...kinda makes me nervous just the thought of running the black dragon....wow

Kano was kinda nice well behind close doors most of the time he has to keep that tough guy act most of the time

He's pretty cute when he lets that act die for a night or the rest of the day

I see it the most out of everyone I'm with him most for 89% of the day

"Okay should we send someone to Search it?" I asked Kano

"Hmm yes but someone who isn't dumb enough to get caught" kano was thinking

"Who cares if we get caught we just need someone to look around hmm....how about those new comers we need them to see how hard it is here as well as our expectations"

"Huh that's not a bad idea we need them to get used to all the bullshit that happens around here"

Kano looked down and then back up to me "all right"

I nodded and procedure to leave the room

If I can be honest im surprised that they let a women be the Second boss/bodyguard I even thought that the black dragon would be I don't know a little sexist but I guess they don't care what you got in ya paints

Anyways I got to the speaker where I got everybody attention "attention! I need Jenna,Lawrence and Jonathan all to Kano Office now!"

If the people i did call didn't come in would send people to go find them that's how it works down here for the most part

Soon I made it back to Kano office "they should be here soon"


*time pass*

After the last one got here I started to speak again "all right we need you 3 on a mission to test if you'll even make it here got it"

Just like Kano I could put on a Danm scary face

They nodded "okay we need you to scout out the special forces see what they are up to anything weird and DONT get caught or killed  if someone dies or gets caught you carry-on there's no saving them understand" 

"Uh yeah why are we going why not send someone who yah know actually knows the special forces" one of them asked

"Don't ask questions just do what your asked" Kano said sounding annoyed

The one girl that spoke up looked kinda pissed that he said that but just nodded and left with the rest

I look at Kano "hey Kano you okay? you look like you could use a cup of coffee" I said with a smile

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