Scorpion x fem reader Acceptance

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I don't know to much about the rivalry between the Shirai Ryu or the Lin Kuei
So I'm just doing my best
And I'm sorry this one isn't going to be that good I just couldn't think of what to put here anyways thanks to @hellothere740 for requesting this part ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

(And this one isn't that really romantic but if you guys would like me to make a more romantic part I could)

I've been in the Lin Kuei for my whole life but no matter how many wars or fights I've been though I still have never really see the world and that's the only thing I've ever wanted to do is see the world for what it really was

"Y/n" I was stoped from day dreaming "yes grandmaster?" I didn't like sub zero

"We have some recruits that are in need of training"

I nodded as I walked to the training yard
I let a sad look hit my face when I saw kids

but quickly put on an tough face

I hate the way they got new fighters they would take little kids from there home just for there army it made me sick
They not even old enough to remember there mother's and father's real names

"All right!" I yelled
"stand in a line we will begin your 

I hate doing this part

I saw the look in there eyes....they where scared I could feel it

I was more combat
I didn't like using ice Magic

"You what's your name" I asked one of the kids who was crying I felt bad for her
I know what she feeling right now

I remember my first time

"A-Amy" I put my hand on her shoulder "it's going to be okay Amy" I said as sweet as I could

"Okay! You will be learning how to block as well as how to punch someone without hurting your hand!"

Time skip**

We where all most done training for the day

"Miss?" I look down to see the same girl Amy "yes"

"Will I ever go home?" It hurt me to see the look in the girl eyes "wel-" I was cut off by grandmaster

"No you will never return to home this is your new home Nor you will ever see your mother and father"

The girl started to cry

I look at the grandmaster sub zero
"What the hell is wrong with you"

I looked mad "excuse me" he looked pissed off that I had just said that
As he walked to me

"With all do respect grandmaster not all were bored into the lin Kuei so don't be so harsh"  I wanted to hit him so bad

I know he was born Into the lin kuei so he didn't understand the pain of losing your family for this....

"I suggest you watch who you're speaking to" 

As much as I would love to just yell at him I didn't "my bad grandmaster...anyways training is over"

I turn to face everybody "okay! Training is over for today!"

I watched as they all went inside
Till it was just me I knew nobody would care if I just left I would come back...just later

There was this lake that I would visit
To see my mother who was 6 feet under
Who was a pass shirai ryu member till she was killed I didn't know her all that well but my father would tell me amazing story's about her how she would be able to fight 20 men at once and kill them all

I do miss her....
I got on my knees "hi mom"

It was till my father passed away and I was Force into the Lin Kuei

I don't know where they buried him sadly or if he even was

"State your business Lin Kuei" I heard a male voice behind me why didn't I hear him before

I look to see some guy standing

"Sorry I didnt mean to send any alarms sir just visiting someone" he looked kinda old but yet Young I thought to myself as I got up

What was he doing out here at this time?

When I looked closer I saw he was from the shirai ryu what the hell was a member from the shirai ryu doing here?!

I have nothing against them
The man looked down beside me
"So is it now that the Lin Kuei is to destroy shirai ryu tombstones" he looked pissed now

"What!? This is my mother grave!"

I backed away I didn't have my weapons on me I left them back In my room I didn't think a shirai ryu would be here I don't want to start anything

"your telling me that a Lin kuei is Miss L/N daughter"
The man said

"It's a long story look I'm not here to start any trouble" I said as I held my hands up in Defence

"What is your name" he asked me he didn't look as pissed off as he did but still on edge
"Y/n L/n"

His eyes widened "who is your father"
Why with all the questions??

"Tell me who you are first"
" very well I am Hanzo Hasashi now answer me"

My eyes widened
Holly shit the grandmaster of the shirai ryu is talking to me and not trying to kill me

"my father is f/n l/n now that I think about it he spoke highly of you"

His eyes widened "so it really is you...tell me miss L/n why are you apart of the Lin Kuei if both your mother and father where apart of the shirai ryu"

Now he didn't look pissed off at all?

I looked down did I really want to tell him?

I mean What do I have to lose right?

"Uhh after my mom and dad died I was taken by the Lin kuei against my will when I was 10"

He looked down

"Yes it is a Shame that they force children into this war"

He looked down for a minute but soon back to me "miss L/n I would like you to consider joining the shirai ryu"

That question stoped me

"I'm sure your mother and father would be proud of you if you left"

Would they though?

"I-I can't just leave Hanzo"

He stepped closer "but you could leave it all behind what's stopping you"

I didn't know what to say should I just leave it all behind and join the shirai ryu

I did kidna hate it back at the lin kiurei sub zero pissed me off all the time

But I didn't want to go back there
I took a deep breath

"You accepted"

"I do"

I'm sorry this one is only 1100 words I really didn't know what to put in this part it's okay if you don't like it yall can hate on me for it haha

And sorry if my writing sounds weird I'm kinda sick right now NOT COV19 just the flu :/ and my vision is being weird

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