So somewhere around idk maybe 12:30 pm (almost my lunch time) I get this client with her 2 kids and the slushies just ran on empty and obviously I couldn't refill it because I CAN'T LEAVE MY POST ALONE!!!! Guess what she asks me. Guess. (She also spoke English so this is basically quoted)

Did ya guess?

"Can I have two rainbow slushies (I make amazing ones btw) please?"


I go like, note, as friendly as possible: "Sorry Ma'am, but our slushie machines are running on empty today because of the amount of people ordering slushies today. I'm going to refill it now and then it should be ready within the next hour."

I shit you not. She fucking glared at me like I just stole from her or something. 😒

She goes like: "AN HOUR?!" She looks at her kids and goes: "We'll stop by the garage for something, ok?" (While also glaring at me mid-sentence)

I should probably also mention that there is an ice cream machine at the Kiosk and we didn't have time to set it up today.

Then she asks me if they can have ice cream instead! *Inhuman screeches of frustration* (This is why signs were invented! To let people know things! But did we create an "Out of Order" sign? Noooooo)

I swear she was the ONLY client that had a problem with me because the rest of the people were pretty chilled when we told them to wait on the coffee and/or slushie machines. (THIS IS IMPORTANT SO REMEMBER THIS!)


So  1 pm rolls around, my lunch hour, so I literally ran to the staff room before the next rush came. There I am eating, chilling, making a Tik Tok video about my current mood, etc. So I'm actually taking a breather. Lunch ends. I return to even more utter chaos and I'm back to hell again (not really, time flies by when you're busy). So 3 pm rolls around and my manager comes up to me and tells me I'm working in the Toy Shop (Yes, there's even a small toy store but it's hidden so it's mostly dead, even on weekends) and I'm like "Whyyyy?"




Remember I told you to remember the difficult client?

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