Update on life

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Ok. Where to start?

07 October 2020, Wednesday:

So my other work finally put me on jumps and I was so pumped, I was doing a lot of front flips and eventually I injured my back during one front flip. Joy. So I got up, brushed it off - and this part is important - and I STILL WENT AND DID FRONT FLIPS! *Multiple virtual table flips*

So I got home, back is fucking sore and my mom's like- "But why did you do front flips then?"

BECAUSE IT'S FUN AND PART OF MY JOB TO ENTERTAIN KIDS ON THE TRAMPOLINES AS WELL MOM! ALSO, I'M AN IDIOT! *Table flip* (You know I'm on the laptop if I can't use the table flip emoji. Lol. 😂)

So I had fun but I also got hurt. Btw, they moved me to the trampolines permanently but I still help out as a cashier as well sometimes. ✌ *upside-down smiley face* (that emoji is apparently a premium feature on Google. 😒)


8th October 2020, Thursday:

So I was working at my other work and the Pharmacy that day so I got off around 9 pm. I also promised my bestie that I'd go out for one (ONE) drink with her.....well.....it wasn't just one drink. 😅 We ended up going to a club and the DJ was fucking awesome and I stayed over at her place because there's no way I'm driving home. I also had work the following morning. Oops.

Mind you, I was dancing with a 💫 SORE BACK 💫 So I woke up pretty bad. No hangovers though because there wasn't any wine involved.


9th October 2020, Friday:

So of course this is the morning after I went clubbing. Woke up with no hangover, drove home and got ready for work (I smelled like sigarettes and that's gross. No, I don't smoke and neither does my bestie.) while my parents were packing their stuff in the car. They were going on a family weekend trip and obviously I couldn't go because 💫 WORK 💫 and I need the 💫 MONEY 💫. So it was G & Deb's job to make sure I tell them when I'm safe at work/home for the weekend. Friday was pretty busy at my other work (They're not mentioned for a reason) and I went to bed at 12:30 am the next morning.


Still Friday, I got my days mixed up, but I still only had 4 hours off sleep.

So obviously I got like maybe 4 hours of sleep and currently surviving on Monsters because.......    💫 LOGIC 💫

I got to work, Monster Energy Drink in hand (Purple one is *chef kiss*) and prepared myself for an exhausting day. Heard I'm back at the Kiosk because they needed me there and as soon as the clock struck 9 utter chaos ensued.

Dannnnng people. Why do you torture the coffee and slushie machines so much?

Also, keep in mind that I'm the only one on the system (besides my manager) that can operate the till and the freaking Putt-Putt worker (who's still in school) had to help me make coffees and slushies while I handle the sales.

So there's only one coffee machine at the Kiosk (also the only one in the entire fucking place) and I get orders from the Restaurant at the back AND clients in front. Like I ONLY HAVE ONE COFFEE MACHINE CHILL THE FUCK OUT! Best part is that around 10 am the machine starts giving us problems (Gee. I wonder why....) and people (and the waiters (male and female)) start getting irritated. Not to mention that I got like 50 slushie orders that day and the machines couldn't keep up and I needed to REFILL them and it takes AN HOUR for the slushies to be ready again if it's on empty.

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