Katherine Grey?

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I am finally free for a family dinner. Mom said we have several guests at the dinner tonight and I should be nice to them. I tell her I am always nice.
Sure you are, be nicer tonight. I hope he is nice to Kate, she had to include her brother and his girlfriend Lily Grant. Lily is attending the same college as Ana, Kate, and Mia. They all attended the same schools and she bullied everyone. So tonight we will find out if she can be nice or not. She got out early since she didn't assault the Corporal or steal the truck. I think Lassiter got her out early. The guys were given more time. They took into consideration they returned the truck in good condition and turned themselves in. None were 18 yet. I hope Ethan knows what he is getting himself into. What I noticed the most was that Lily was pregnant, very pregnant. But it is not for me to worry about.
It was hard to answer the Kavanagh clans questions about my pregnancy. My parents were mad at first, but decided to accept it. They know Jack Lassiter is the baby's father and he takes good care of us. His house has been thoroughly cleaned by specialist in crime scene cleaners. Apparently Josh was obsessed with me and anyone who upset me was killed. Jack was supposed to be killed, but he was meeting with Carrick when everything went down. They finally found the heads. They found the samurai swords and they still had trace blood on them. Josh is never getting out. They tried to get him off on a mental illness verdict, but both psychiatrist said he was in his right mind at all times. My pregnancy helped get me out earlier as well. Now if I can just get through this boring dinner with these boorish people.
I walk in and see the biggest pain in my butt ever. Ethan Kavanagh oh God he brought his sister and Lily is with them. And pregnant. I do the math very quickly and breathe easier. I am placed by Ray. Ana and Kate are looking pretty good. Christian is running late as usual.
I walk in and sit by Ray and greet everyone. I look at Lily and am surprised she is out of jail so soon and see she's very pregnant. I wink at Ana and recall our date earlier this week. We are keeping things quiet for now. She's almost through with her business degrees. I really don't want to be here with Ethan and Lily, Kate is another issue. I see her glancing at Elliott and him her. Ray and Ana have noticed as well. Lily on the other hand is actually flirting away and I am unsure who with yet. Ana of course is trying to remain her usual self, but every time Lily speaks she gets a look on her face. There's definitely something about this that we don't know, but might learn about why she irritates Ana so much.
Lord I hope she doesn't have the baby now. I can't believe she's sitting here dating Ethan and having another mans baby. I was surprised at the fact she was allowed to go free, but she and several others were given a certain amount of time due to special circumstances, namely her pregnancy and others. Oh well so is the justice system. Apparently Jack got her a reduced sentence and she insisted he marry her, but he said he would support her and the baby, but he would never marry her.
I at first thought I would leave early, but Elliott walked in and my heart skipped a beat. I look up and he is smiling at me. I heard he was a hot guy, but never had I saw him this close up. I watch as we are being watched by everyone. Ethan is so smitten with Lily he doesn't notice how Elliott and I are looking at one another.
I am watching the love match between Kate and Elliott. Christian starts talking about when I am taking my finals in my business courses? I let him know it is a week away. He offers to help me study for them. I smile and say thanks it would be nice..
I start talking to Ray about what he wants done on his latest acquisition and how he liked the finished product on the Lincoln houses.
Well t looks a lot more like a home instead of Dracula's home. I like what you did with that dungeon it makes a nice man cave. Ana and the girls have taken it over.
It figures, I bet they love the full sized kitchen built into the wall. Have you been able to use it at al?
Oh I use it while Ana is gone, she has made it hers though. I don't know how, because she is very busy. But it looks more like a woman cave now lol.
Leave it to Ana to fit decorating into her busy schedule. (I had someone go and change it up for Ana and Mia. Now Kate has joined the group. I watch as Ana is part of our family again. I have always thought Ana was very pretty, but she's grown into a beautiful woman. I have enjoyed talking to her about her classes. I would love to really date her if she would consider it that is.
Christian earth to Christian. I was asking you if you would like to join Kate, Mia, Ana and I for a night in the woman cave?
Oh sure just let me know when.
Tonight is the night since everyone is here. They have a lot to do there.
Sure let's go, I will let Taylor go and walk over there. Let's head over now, so we can enjoy the room.

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