love the little things

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Hey this is not a chapter , just a quick reminder
Love and remember the little things bc I been losing a lot of people , Today is not so good , I lost my bestfriend due to...suicide. I'm losing so many rn I can't even go back in time to say "I love you " I feel like shit rn , I feel like it's my fault bc she died I lost 2 people or more this year
One died due to overdose, and this one suicide. Love and remember the little things and appreciate the  things you have , be grateful for your roof over you head not many people have roofs over there head bc they did something wrong or a reason that we don't know, Don't judge people for who they are or what they look like and don't hate on them bc you don't know what they are going through nowadays , Thank god you are still here, Also don't go to the mirror and look at yourself and say
" i hate yourself , I'm so ugly ", No don't ever say that in ur life you are beautiful as you already are , don't body shame the way you look, don't say you hate yourself bc it's hurting someone, it's hurting God , the reason why it's hurting him is bc he work so hard on you and made time to make you,  What I need you to do is go to the nearest mirror and tell yourself " I'm beautiful,  I am worth it , I love myself,  I have a  great body that I don't need to change for Nobody!", say that to yourself bc you are beautiful. Have a goodnight beautifuls be grateful for what you have remember that!!!

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