"Very." JJ agreed, eyeing the pancakes. The three of them dug in hungrily and spent the rest of the morning in the fort. Around two, Jack came over and the two children promptly banned Emily and JJ. "How rude." JJ pouted. Emily grinned and wrapped her arms around JJ's waist.

"I don't mind."

JJ rolled her eyes. Emily began kissing her neck and JJ moaned quietly. "Rachel! Jack!" She yelled as she took Emily's hand and pulled her upstairs. "Em and I will be upstairs for a while, yell up if you need anything!"

"Okay." Two uninterested voices chorused.

They began stripping their clothes off in a hurry, making their way up the stairs and trying not to lost contact with each other. JJ pushed Emily into their bedroom, a huge grin on her face. "Lock the door." She practically growled.

"Tell me."


"Tell me."


"Tell me."


"Reid! Come on man! Tell me."

Reid leaned forward over his desk and stared at Morgan. "No." He repeated calmly.

Morgan leaned back and ran his palm over his head in frustration. "Is it gonna hurt?"

"Morgan, stop talking to me."

"Well, should I..."

"Morgan! Give it up." Emily groaned. "He is not going to tell you."

"Then you tell me!"

"I have no idea what Rachel and Reid are planning for you. All I know, is Jack is in on it as well and she has promised that you will not be physically hurt. Other than that, I can't wait to see what they come up with. I'm quite enjoying this." Emily smirked and went back to her file. Morgan frowned and threw his pen at her head. "Oww, fucker." Emily threw it back with perfect precision.

"I saw that." Hotch chastised as he walked through the bullpen. "Conference room, we've got a case."

Embarrassed – but only slightly – Morgan and Emily followed the rest of the team into the conference room. Morgan managed to get in a light smack when Hotch wasn't looking, but JJ caught him and pinched his side, hard. Morgan jumped in pain and glared at her. JJ simply shrugged and turned her attention to Garcia. "Be nice to my wife." She whispered.

"She started it." Morgan whispered back.

"Are you five?" Rossi asked from across the table.

"Lets get started shall we?" Hotch asked with a frown. Everyone quickly sat up straighter in their seats and focused on the files in front of them, not noticing the hidden smile that creeped across Hotch's face before he got down to business. "We've got three men dead in a small town in Maine, all in their mid twenties."

"He doesn't seem to be a very organized killer." Reid spoke up, talking fast and his hands moving rapidly in midair. "The severe overkill shows an intense level of rage."

"What kind of weapon did he use?" Emily asked.

"A baseball bat, wiped clean of all fingerprints." Garcia instructed them.

"He left it at the scene? Did he use it for each murder?" JJ asked.

"Different bat each time, same make and model, all wiped clean."

"If he left them that's symbolic of him wanting to rid himself somehow of what he's done. Discarding his weapon and leaving it with the victim is a part of his signature." Reid added.

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