|~|Dabi x Sick!Civilian!Reader|~|

Start from the beginning

Dabi rose from his position, still holding your hand. He turned you from the mirror to him. He narrowed his eyes before letting out a sigh. "Fine, but I want to see you in bed in ten minutes."

You rolled your eyes but nodded. Dabi used a finger to trace your throat all the way to your chin before he left the bathroom. You looked at the mirror and took a deep breath.

You and Dabi have been friends for years now, a while before he joined the League of Villains. Though even before that Dabi was considered a villain from his crimes. You two were so close that you two had grown a special bond. You liked him a lot, and he liked you a lot too. Though the only reason you two aren't together is simple; he would be putting you at more risk than he is now.

You sighed as you took your medicine and carefully walked to your kitchen.

Your remembered how Dabi would hug you, how he would hold you, how he would help you. You smiled to yourself at the thought of how surprisingly kind Dabi was to you.

You walked to your fridge and opened the door, looking inside. You rose and eyebrow seeing some new items you don't remember buying.

"Dabi!" You called, not looking away from the fridge. "Did you go out and get stuff for my fridge?"

"You don't have to yell, sweets," you yelled in surprise and jumped. Seeing Dabi behind the fridge door with a smile plastered on his face was something you hadn't expected. He chuckled a little and took your hand. "Didn't mean to scare ya'."

"Stop doing that!" You whined, coughing. Dabi sighed softly and muttered an apology as he patted your back. As you coughed he didn't leave your side, rubbing and patting your back to help you out.

"You didn't answer my question," you said, now a little better from your coughing fit. "Did you get this stuff?"

Dabi nodded. "Yeah. I came this morning and noticed it was almost empty so I went out to get stuff."

You looked at Dabi suspiciously. "My fridge wasn't even that empty."

Dabi shushed you quietly and wrapped an arm around your hip once more. "Let it happen," he muttered and reached into the fridge. He grabbed some water for you and placed it on the counter before closing the fridge.

"Hey! I was going to-" you watched as Dabi ignored you and reached into your cabinet. He grabbed a few cans of soup and looked at the labeling.

"Which do you want?" He asked, showing the cans. "I'll make it for you."

You gave the man a skeptical look. He was back to his unreadable expression as he waited for your response.

"Um, chicken noodle soup," you replied, making Dabi place the other soup back and he took a bowl. You nervously watched as he dumped the soup into the bowl. "Dabi, you're supposed to make it on the stove."

Dabi ignored you and layered the soup evenly. You squeaked seeing his hands glow blue. Almost instantly the soup began to bubble and pop. His hands returned to their normal state and he gently sat the bowl on the counter.

"You're going to burn the entire place down," you said. "But thank you."

Dabi nodded and patted your head. "Let it cool down a little before eating. Here are some crackers," he reached from the cabinet and sat the bag of saltine crackers beside the soup.

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