Chapter 2 - Obi's Adventure

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Word count: 3897

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You had a lot of trouble trying to get the two bags in the kitchen and basically jumped your way there using your only good leg. Obi was sitting near the mudroom door and was giving you looks like you were crazy.

"Obi you won't fucking believe what happened.." you started as you were jumping to the kitchen, Obi quickly followed after you thinking he would be receiving more food.
"Firstly I thought I was about to die.. Then, I ran straight into some guy who probably thinks I'm an idiot now.." you sigh deeply as you set the bags on the kitchen counter.

"I don't care about that, where is the tuna?" You imagined Obi answering to your sentence. He jumped on the counter while meowing loudly, trying to get your attention.

"You just ate before I left, you aren't getting anything now" you laughed at the cat who continued to meow while you put everything away to their correct places.

After everything was put away you finally had the time to realise your clothes were still wet from the fall earlier, your clothes also had some rips in the areas that hit the ground.
You went to the bathroom to take off everything that was wet and throw them in the washing machine. You also loaded in all the other clothes that needed cleaning and turned the machine on.

After that you decided it was the perfect time to wash yourself and all the bruises you had gotten.
You opened the tap so water could start filling the tub, while you lit up some candles to create a relaxing mood. After everything that happened you really needed a break from reality.

You started a random playlist in your music player that had similar stuff to what you usually listened to, before undressing completely and getting in the bathtub.
You leaned your head against the end of the bath and closed your eyes, relaxing and listening to the songs.

Your mind couldn't help but wonder back to the events from earlier.
Was someone really after you? If yes then who was it? Should you actually be scared someone was watching you or was this a random encounter?
Whatever was the case, you were glad you bumped into the guy, literally. Because if there was someone following you, they could have caught you if he hadn't been there.

Fuck, you didn't even ask for his name or anything, how could you thank the guy for the 100th time if you had no way of finding him on social media or something.. It was unlikely that you would ever see him again, but if you did see him, you would thank him properly.
Why did this guy stick into your brain in the first place?

You shook your head a bit to clear your thoughts, this time, trying to focus on the music and it's lyrics, creating scenarios in your head.
You loved to go into that creative bubble, it helped you with art and writing your own music. Creating worlds from just your head was an amazing feeling and it gave you a small break from reality.

After the bath water started feeling cold you started washing yourself, you took out the sponge and scrubbed the bruised areas clean, before draining the water and rinsing everything.
The cuts on your skin made by the fall hurt a lot, but you were almost used to it by this point.

As you got off from the bath and took your towel a new song you hadn't heard yet started playing.
The voice of the singer was deep, almost like the guy you had met earlier today. You took your phone to view the song name that was written in all caps "E-GIRLS ARE RUINING MY LIFE!".
It was a nice song and you saved it for later before closing down your music player.

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The rest of the week went by really fast and it was almost the middle of October now. Your ankle had healed a lot and you could put pressure on it now without feeling like it was gonna explode from the pain.
While the week had gone on, you had mostly stayed still, not going outside at all, and only moving from your bedroom to the kitchen or to the bathroom.

Unexpected Soulmates (Corpse Husband x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant