chapter 2 I Out of reach

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"What video you want to show me, Tae?"

'2nd Person's P.O.V'

You said letting out a seductive tone unwillingly, wrapped in a neat school uniform, walked in without having the idea what the two boys standing before you could be talking about. Taehyung smirked after having a sight of you. Though you couldn't get whether he smirked or smiled as you are supposed to be this innocent. Whereas, the boy who please your eyes so much, the one about whom you often dreamt about was standing frozen, before you. Seeing Jimin like that, you were a little confused if he didn't like your uninvited presence in his personal space or was shocked to see you there. But still you walked in since its your house and in your house you're welcomed everywhere.

"It's the first time I'm this pleased to see you here, Y/N." Taehyung smirked while making a weird shape of his eyes as then Jimin came forward hurriedly, panicked.

"Y/N, what are y-ou doing he-here?" He said in a tiny accept, looking everywhere but you. His cheeks blossomed with a pink tint and the way he stuttered in front of you made some waves go through your stomach. You couldn't help but get soft at the baby boy's sight which you think can't be anything but innocent. You find this side of him extremely cute, the side he rarely shows. You can't help but always wish he could be more like this.

"...I came to call you for breakfast." I said nervously, seeing him nervous made me nervous in an unexplainable way too. "Only him? Not me? " Taehyung came forward agitated, pouting like a baby. Hearing his words I laughed and brushed his fluffy hairs.

"Of course you too, the big baby." He grabbed your hand and separated it from his hairs giving out his signature boxy smile that can melt anyone's heart at the sight of it. He pulled out a comb from his pocket brushing his hair. You laughed at his silliness. He really takes so much care of his looks.

On the other side, there were someone's muscles tensing up watching the extraordinary scene which can be enough to cause diabetes. He cleared his throat to gain the non existent attention of the both of you but it was of no use so he just went to sit on his bed.

You noticed Jimin sitting on his bed with a pale face, thinking about what has gotten him upset again. "Jimin, I came to call you for breakfast. Aren't you coming?" I spoke while tilting your head to look at him and smile in a welcoming manner.

"I need to take shower first." He stood up swiftly from the bed but continues, "I'm coming." Listening his last words the boy standing beside you started laughing badly. You looked at him confused and narrowed your eyes.

"What's so funny? Why are you laughing?" He kept laughing but squeezed your cheeks lightly. "Don't ask darling, you are still so innocent. It's an adult talk. Children like you should stick to their cartoons." You hit his hand slightly but in a gentle manner not to hurt him. "Shut up, we aren't even eighteen yet so you have no say in this." Hearing this he stopped laughing and folded his hands against his chest, looking back at you.

"Seriously Y/N? Are you really this innocent? I don't believe. Haven't you read the chapter Reproduction? Don't you know what humans do to create a new one?" Your cheeks started heating as how easily he mentioned that thing. But you knew that Taehyung is one of those people who won't stop bugging until they don't get what they want.

You smiled looking at him and he raised his eyebrows at you, "Taehyung, I'll tell the teacher to give you a detailed lecture on Reproduction only, alright? You seems hungry, go eat the breakfast not my brain. You don't want your sports teammates to wait for you, do you?" You said still smiling, trying to get rid of this freak. Convincing him for something is super easy but only God knows why he's showing random tantrums now.

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