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Y/ns Pov

It was already dark outside
" Guyyssss" I run into the living room it was only Aaron and Sam
" where's everyone? " I ask
" they went to the store to but stuff for the prank on Kevin, reggie and aryia " Sam said
" oh okey why are you guys getting your shoes on?" I say
" we are going to pick up amber and kat " Aaron replies
" but I'm gunna be home alone " I mumble
" what's wrong with that?" Aaron say
" nothing " I replied
" I'll see you guys later then " I say walking up the stairs
" bye" the say
I was a bit scared to stay home alone especially finding out Lucas was let out of prison and had moved to America,
I'm sure he won't try find me, right?
The guys have been gone for what feels like foreverrrr now, but I was in Corey's room watching Elton's old videos were he was ina snake pit for 24 hour with Corey,Dom,Colby,Sam and Scott.when I heard the dogs barking down stairs I thought nothing of it tho,
10 minutes later
* BANG *  there was a huge crash down stairs
" holy fuck " I whisper
I text Elton to check the cameras, he was pretty far away from the house with the others.
"Y/n get out of there now!" He texted back
" why what is it "
" just get out don't let them see you!"
" Elton you're really scaring me who is it! " I replied
" it's Lucas.. " he says
"Y/n please just get out without out him seeing you "
holy shit I fucking jinked it
"Y/N WHERE ARE YOU " Lucas yells from down stairs
Holy shit holy shittttt this is not fucking happening
How tf did he get in we have hella security shit
I put cooper and circa who came up stairs into their cage so he couldn't hurt them
" I'll be back ina minute baby's okay, it's okay don't worry" I say
I give them some food so they will keep quite
I crept out of Corey's room in to the hallway I see Lucas walking into the kitchen
I quickly run down i head for the front door
" oh hey sweetheart " Lucas says from behind me
" where do you think your going, why are you running away From me? " he says getting closer
" get away from me you fucking psycho" I yell
" aw sweetheart that's no way to talk to your boyfriend" he says grabbing my waist
" you not my boyfriend you fucking div, get off me!"
He grabs my wrist tight and try's to pull me out the door
" OUCH GET OFF" I scream
I kick him making him let go I run to the kitchen and grab a knife
" aw sweetheart you wouldn't hurt me" he says walking towards me
" yes I fucking would u crazy bitch"
" look I'm gunna lose my temper in a minute if you keep talking to me like that y/n" he says ina angry tone
He says gripping my waist tightly
" now you are gunna come with me okay?" Lucas says ina Firm tone
" no you fucking psycho get out of my house!" I say
I was so fucking scared but I pretended like I wasn't
I tried to run but he grabbed my arm pinning me to the counter ( 😏... jk I hate Lucas😂 )
He tied my hands and feet up with duct tape and put some over my mouth
" MmMmMmmMmMmm" I tried to scream hoping the boys where here
" don't every try sweetheart nobody will hear you now but I'll leave a little note for your friends "
The note said " y/n is mine if you really want her come to ******** ( an old warehouse not to far from the house) if you dare"
" mmMmmM " I try saying something
He takes the tape off my mouth
"What was that sweetheart " he asked
" two things why are you telling them we're going and two you sound stupid saying if u dare this ain't a horror film dummy"
" because if they really want you they can try get you and don't call me that you will regret it" he says firmly
" you know the boys will be here soon"
" that's why we are leaving now" he smiles
" fucking psycho" I mumble under my breath as he picks me up and try's to put me in his car
" NO GET OFF" I scream
* BANG* he knocks me out cold...

Elton's Pov
"Y/n please just get out without out him seeing you " I text her
"Okay.." she replies

"Holy fuckin shit guys get in the fucking car now!!!" I yell
" wait why?" They all ask
Colby, Corey,Sam,Aaron,jake, Scott quickly get into the car
I start speeding to our house
" bro wtf is going on?" Jake askes
" ..." I stay quite for a minute thinking about what could be happening to y/n...
" ELTON!" Aaron shouts trying to get my attention
" what's wrong?" sam and Colby ask
" Lucas is at the house.." I say
" WHAT?!" They all yell
" i know that's why I'm fucking speeding there!!!" I yell
Everyone starts freaking out Corey The most he stayed quite
" Elton can I have your phone to get the cameras up!" Scott asks
" oh yeah good idea here you go!" he hands them the phone
He opens the cameras and sees Lucas duct taping her hands and feet
" holy fucking shit". Sam says look watching it
" what is he doing!?" I yell
" he's duct taping her hands and feet" Colby says quietly
" WHAT!" Corey yells he starts to freak out he holds his head in his hands
"Corey she's gunna be okay don't worry" I say trying to comfort him
" I know but can you go a little faster" Corey says trying to hold all his emotions in
Five minutes later
We pull up to the drive and every sprints in to the house..
" Where the fuck are they!!" Corey says angrily
" look there's a note!" Aaron picks up the note and reads it
" y/n is mine if you really want her come to ******** ( an old warehouse not to far from the house) if you dare"
" aw fuck that place is sketchy" Sam says
" let's fucking go!" Corey says running to the car
We all dash to the car and I start speeding to the warehouse
We were all ready to kill that fucking asshole...

Once we pull up to the place we grab a metal pole from the trunk of my car that I had in there for some reason as we cautiously up to the door of the warehouse. We see Lucas and y/n in the middle
Y/n was covered in blood he had obviously been hurting her seeing her like that made me so mad and sad at the same time
" well well, well look who showed up Yano I didn't think you where gunna come" Lucas smirks
" mmMMMmmM " y/n tried to say something she was crying which killed us all to see
" it's okay princess don't worry" Corey says trying to comfort her
" THATS MY FUCKING SISTER U PSYCHO" Aaron yells throwing a big piece of metal he found on the ground
Y/n was trying to get out of the chair
" DON'T YOU EVEN FUCKING TRY Y/N" he punched her really fricken hard
We all ran over to him and started beating his ass, I told Sam to call the police I don't know why we didn't do that in the first place we were caught in the moment I guess
Y/ns Pov
I was so relieved to see the boys, I'm in so much pain I'm trying not to show it but I just can't
Jake runs over to me and starts trying to get me out while the others beat Lucas
Tbh he's an idiot for not bringing anyone else it's 1 against like 6
Corey punches him straight in the face causing him to fall to the ground
Ngl I was impressed 😂
I was also really scared I had never seen any of they boys this mad before..
Jake had finally got me free, he hugged me trying to shield me from Lucas
I start to cry I've never been more scared in my life and a lot of bad shit has happened to me
" shhh it's okay yn/n we're here now you're safe" Jake says trying to comfort me
The police get here and Lucas was laying on the floor all the boys rush over to me and hug me
" I'm so so sorry guys" I say crying my eyes out
" it's not your fault princess " Corey says
They all nod there head in agreement as the cops come ask us a few questions and to help me clean up all the blood,
I held Corey's hand the hole time.
" okay you guys are free to go, we will update you with further information tomorrow " a officer says
" okay thank you sir" elty says
The police drive away
All they boys start hugging me again
"Thank you guys" I sniffled
" of course" they all say
We all get in the car and drive home and go straight to bed..

Ahah sorry if this was bad
also sorry there is a lot of swearing 😇😂

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