Nakia's Miracle (Everett x Nakia)

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A/N: Drew some inspiration from the following video.

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September 14, 2019 - The Birth of Nadiyah Unathi Shauku-Ross

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September 14, 2019 - The Birth of Nadiyah Unathi Shauku-Ross

The day of Nadiyah's birth was a beautiful and emotional day for the Shauku-Ross family.

It began around 9:45 when Nakia felt her first contraction. She was lying on the couch of the sitting area with her head resting on her husband's lap. Everett's eyes were glued to his book as his hand rubbed circles on her swollen belly. At some point, he looked down to place a soft kiss on her forehead.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"There's pressure in my lower back. I started the timer just in case."

"Would sitting on your birth ball make you feel better?"

"Mhm," Nakia answered with a nod and rose her head to free him.

Everett stood and helped his wife off the couch. He placed one hand on the small of her back and guided her over to the ball stationed next to the bed.

"Thank you," Nakia told him while lowering herself onto the ball.

"Of course." He gave her that adorable smile she loves so much and sunk to his knees to unzip the back of her dress.

Nakia flinched slightly at his cold hands massaging her lower back, but she melted at his touch. "Mmm. That feels nice."

Everett smirked. "Isn't that how we got in this predicament?"

Nakia smiled. "As I recall, you wouldn't let me sleep."

"Is that how we're telling it? Although, I don't remember any complaints."

Nakia's cheeks warmed at his cocky tone and a smile grazed her lips, remembering the night in question. Actually, it was an entire week. Kya went back to Los Angeles for school and her internship, and they've finished all their work. Who could blame them for wanting some much-needed quality time?

"I still can't believe this is happening. It sounds cliche, but I've always wanted this."

Everett hugged her from behind and placed a hand on her belly. "I remember that conversation we had on the balcony of T'Challa's office, when you told me you couldn't have children. I felt a slight remorse because you weren't going to experience the highs and lows of raising a child."

Nakia smiled at the memory. "Well, you see I had practice."

"You did well, and I know you will be perfect for our little one."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2020 ⏰

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