Grief (AU)

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Notes: I've wanted to explore this idea since I wrote Worries, so here it is. This is an AU, so it doesn't affect the outcome of the actual series.

Warnings: Angst. Mentions of character death

Words: 1.8k


This was the worse blow imaginable for Kya.

Imagine getting stabbed and, instead of removing the knife, the assailant decided to twist it, adding to the assailed's agony. Even if that were to occur multiple times, it wouldn't equal the pain that Kya felt.

As tradition, when a War Dog dies, they're honored in the Hall of the Fallen with a picture of them and their name engraved on a vibranium nameplate. Kya would often go there to talk to Unathi's photo, seeking guidance in troubled times, or to inform her of the shenanigans she's caused. As odd as it seemed, it was like Kya was actually talking to her.

This time, however, when she entered the hall, her umama wasn't the one she came to see.

Kya reached a hand out to trace the name on the plate next to her mom's, each letter feeling like a stab to the heart. 'Nakia Shauku,' the nameplate read, sitting under a picture of the fallen war dog holding her ring blades.

Kya's bottom lip trembled and a tear leaked from her eyes.

It shouldn't be like this. Mother and daughter side-by-side. They should be there, guiding her and teaching her the ways of life.

Losing her umama was hard enough on her, especially for a nine-year-old, but losing her sister–her best friend, her confidant, her second mother– was like a hammer swing to the gut.

Her last memory of Nakia was in Jabariland before the war dog boarded the Talon with T'Challa, Shuri, and Agent Ross. She begged Nakia to let her go back to Wakanda and help overthrow the outsider–maybe if she had gone her usisi omkhulu would still be alive–but Nakia was adamant about Kya staying there with Queen Ramonda and Queen Naomi. She couldn't let Kya get hurt again, not after what happened in Greece all those years ago. After watching T'Challa get thrown from the falls, Nakia wasn't sure of what this Erik Killmonger was capable of. She wouldn't forgive herself if harm or worse came to her omncinci, knowing she had the power to prevent it.

"Promise me you'll come back," Kya pleaded with false hope, but, to her dismay, Nakia shook her head. She knew her sister couldn't promise that, but she wanted something to reassure her that Nakia would return, and everything would go back to normal.

"I can't promise you that, but I can promise you that no matter what happens, I'll always be with you." Nakia held her pinky out with a faint smile, and Kya knew what that meant. "Kia and Kya forever?"

Fighting back her tears, Kya linked her pinky with Nakia's. "Forever," she repeated as part of the pact they made as children.

They unlocked pinkies, and Nakia pulled her into a warm hug, placing a sisterly kiss on her forehead. "I love you, my omncinci."

"I love you too."

Too soon for Kya's liking, Nakia pulled away to board the jet, making sure to give Kya one last smile and wave before the ramp closed.

The last hug. The last "I love you." The last smile. The last time she heard Nakia call her omncinci. If Kya knew that was going to be the last moment she would ever have with her usisi omkhulu, she would've savored it, cherished it, did everything in her power to make it last longer.

Three agonizing hours passed before the Talon landed in Jabariland, and Kya, along with Lord M'baku and his wife JoAnna, watched with a smile as the Udaku family reunited–Queen Naomi welcoming her husband with a passionate kiss before Queen Ramonda took both of her children in her arms, grateful that they were still alive and well. Kya watched the jet carefully, waiting for her sister to come out. She thought Nakia lagged behind the others because of injury or needing a moment to compose herself from the battle, but after ten minutes, the young Wakandan began to worry.

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