Flying Rings (Nakia/Everett)

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Nakia put the straw between her lips and sipped on her Diet Coke, and a scowl fixated on the secluded room of Shuri's lab while she watched the pair listen to the young genius explain the functions of some new gadgets.

Was it necessary for her to touch him so much? It seemed like her hand would stroke his shoulder or his bicep—caressing him through the fabric of his grey t-shirt—after every other sentence.

Nakia rolled her eyes at herself. Why did she care about her—or any other woman for that matter—touching him? They weren't together, so no lines were crossed. And yet, she couldn't help the feeling of wanting to slap that perfectly manicured hand off him.

Despite your best efforts, you couldn't focus on the conversation with your king and queen. Not that you needed to. Anytime the king decided to ask about your schooling, it was to make sure you were adhering to the scholarship agreement of maintaining a 3.0 GPA. More like protecting his investment in your education. Your gaze continuously shifted to your sister, noticing the frown on her face. You told her a thousand times how that look would cause wrinkles and crow lines, but she refused to heed your warning. Will she ever listen to you?

"All in all," T'Challa continued, "we think you're doing very well and would like for you to continue to do a good job."

"Huh?" You mumbled, coming out of your revelry. "Oh you. I'll continue to do my best and work hard in school."

"We do not doubt that one bit," Queen Naomi replied with a beautiful smile.

You nodded respectfully and gave them both a smile. "Congratulation again on the baby. Will you excuse me?"

Before either of them could reply, you walked over to the table where your sister sat and waited to see if she'll notice your presence. She continued to glare at the secluded room with the straw in her mouth. You glanced over at the pair, then back at your sister and you rolled your eyes.

"Nakia," you grabbed her attention, "you have jealousy written all over your face."

"Me?" Nakia questioned with an obnoxious scoff. "Jealous? I laugh at the implication." She followed her statement with a bitter "ha ha ha", causing you to roll your eyes again.

"Say what you want usisi omkhulu, but you're the one sitting here looking like someone stole your best friend."

Nakia began to refute, but got distracted by the door to the room opening and the group of people exiting.

Her charming laughter filled the lab, and it took everything in Nakia to not want to wring her by the neck.

"Oh Shuri," she addressed the young genius, "you're so funny. Agent Ross told me you were smart, but he never mentioned you were witty too."

It happened again. As soon as she mentioned his name, her knuckles brushed against his chest. She tried to make it seem like a playful backhand, but Nakia could see right through her.

"Agent Ross!" You greeted him with a hug, excited to see him for the first time in months.

"Hello,"' he responded and returned your hug. Once you pulled away, his eyes shifted to your sister, and he gave her an adorable smile. "Nakia."

Her face softened for the first time in hours as a smile appeared on her face. "Everett."

"Ahem," she released to grab Everett's attention again.

"And hello to you too, Ms. Greene," you greeted her with a friendly smile, but you had to fight the urge to roll your eyes. "It's nice to see you again."

Kia & Kya Forever Series (Nakia & OC)Where stories live. Discover now