162 Repeating History Candles

Start from the beginning

"Just remember you asked for it." Bonnie smiled and got up to close the window, then she grabbed one of Elena's pillows and ripped it, emptying all the feathers on the bed.

"You owe me a new pillow." Elena deadpanned.

"Be patient." Bonnie reprimanded. "I have to swear you to secrecy."

"I do hereby swear not to speak about what Bonnie Bennett is about to show me to anyone not already in the know." Elena promised somnolently.

"There are no windows open right?" Bonnie asked.

"Right." Elena agreed.

"No air-conditioning or fan?" Bonnie asked again.

"None." Elena nodded.

"You ready?" Bonnie waited for Elena to nod then she slowly levitated a feather in front of her face. And as Elena watched in shock and amazement, Bonnie levitated several more feathers.

"That's amazing." Elena breathed out. She knew about Bonnie being a witch and the whole floating feathers thing but seeing it on a tv screen in her last life and now seeing it in real life are two different things.

"Everything my Grams told me is true, Elena, it's impossible and it's true, I'm a witch." Bonnie looked at her with a smile, then she frowned. "It's weird, huh? After all this time joking about being psychic, I really am a witch. You don't think I'm a freak now, do you?"

"Bonnie I could never think of you as a freak." Elena reassured. "It is kinda cool actually."

"You are my best friend." Bonnie pulled Elena into a hug with a bright smile.


A few hours later when Bonnie had left, Elena made her way to Jeremys room to get another hoddie to match the dark red jeans she was wearing.

"Hey Jere, can I borrow the black hoddie with the tribal wolf on it again?" Elena called out as she knocked on Jeremys door.

"Sure." Jeremy held it out with a smile as he opened the door. "Where are you going?"

"Stefan's." Elena pulled on the hoddie with a happy sigh. "Wanna come with?"

"Yeah, I need a break from the studying anyway." Jeremy followed her down stairs.

"Hey, you wanna drive?" Elena dangled the car keys in front of Jeremys face.

"Absolutely." Jeremy grabbed the key and almost ran over to the car.

As Jeremy drives them to the boarding house, he is very careful, not wanting Elena to freak out or anything. He parks the car outside the boarding house and together they walk up to the door and knock.

"It's open!" A female voice call out from inside. "Come on in!"

When they enter and walked down the hallway, they bumped into a beautiful blond woman in a towel who looked very shocked.

"Oh My God!" The woman gasped. "How...how...who?"

"I'm Elena and this is my brother Jeremy." Elena smiled kindly, knowing why the woman, Lexi one of her favorite characters, is so shocked but at the same time can't really put her finger on it. "Who are you?"

"I'm Lexi, a friend of Stefan's."

"Nice to meet you." Elena smiled again. "Is Stefan around?"

"He's in the shower." Lexi told them. "Do you want to wait?"

"When Stefan said he wanted us to meet his best and oldest friend I didn't think he meant that sort of friend." Elena laughed.

"No, no, no, not that sort of friends." Lexi snorted and shrugged. "I took a shower before him and just haven't gotten around to putting clothes on yet."

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