Chapter 1

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Ledsen Crystal Karlek. Daughter of Swedish mother and British dad- Sadie named with confusing Swedish words. Ledsen Crystal Karlek translated from Swedish, to Sad Crystal Love. Not the nicest name. "Ledsen" had always hated her name. Nobody would like to be labelled as Sad- let alone having that as their name. She hated how contradictory her first name was to her last name. Love. She wondered whether her mother had wanted her to be bullied, at one point.

And so, Ledsen shortened her name to Sadie. Sadie Karlek, only allowing her father to call her Ledsen.

When Sadie was at the exact age of 2, her mother died unexpectedly. Sadie and her father were then left with tears, distant memories, a letter of explanation, and a permanent hole is their hearts.

The next few years of Sadie's life were slowly got better, school treating her well, with people who made her feel safe.

And then when Sadie was eleven, she was informed by her dad that he had been talking to a woman and was moving in with her, and Sadie would have to go with him. Sadie was outraged she had not been told anything previously- outraged that he had found someone to replace her mother with, but had no time to say anything, since she had to pack for the next day.

The next day she was driven to the South-East of England where she was met with a modest house with a plump brunette standing at the door. Her father's new girlfriend. Her name was Ruth or "Mum is fine, if you'd like". As much as Sadie tried to show resent and disgust in Ruth, she simply couldn't. Ruth was the motherly figure she needed in her life- always ready for hugs, opening up, and her smile and happy energy was too contagious.

Then there was Sadie's 2-years-older step brother, Ethan. Boisterous, loud, almost always happy. At first, Sadie was quite shy around him. He helped her unpack her room in an awkward silence before sitting down on a chair on the other side of the room and making small talk.

It was only until the first day of school when some boys were pushing Sadie and looking through her bag when Ethan actually proved a good person to be around. Ethan barely had to approach for them to all scatter. Turned out Ethan was one of the bullies at school. Luckily- that meant nobody bullied Sadie. Unluckily, that meant nobody wanted to befriend Sadie.

So then for the rest of the time Sadie went to that school, she was literally considered as invisible.

Halfway through year eight for Sadie, she would come home to hear her father and her mother shouting. Ethan was never affected, but Sadie was. Luckily though, Ethan was always happy to cheer her up. Sadie and Ethan had become great friends over the two years they had spent together, Sadie helping Ethan with schoolwork, and Ethan helping Sadie with nearly everything else.

Sadie got perfect grades and always strived to do so, even though she planned on becoming a model when she was older- and she had potential to become a model. Sadie had fair, smooth skin, perfect brows and articulated cheekbone, and plump pink lips- not to mention her wide innocent blue eyes and silky, medium brown hair. She didn't have very big curves, but started growing somewhat curves in year nine.

When it was nearly Christmas in Sadie's year nine year, she came home to hear a sickening slapping noise and helpless cry. She felt alarmed and ran into the kitchen to see her father looking shocked, and tears streaming down Ruth's face as she clutched her darkening cheek. Ethan wasn't home yet, which left Sadie to ask what was going on.

It turned out that their relationship had been worsening over the year, and for the first time, Sadie's father had become aggressive. Sadie's father felt terrible, and couldn't cope with the guilt, leaving later that night with nothing but a note of apology.

This was the second time a family member had ever walked out on Sadie, but she gave off a stronger reaction this time- crying for days on end in her room and not coming out for anything.

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