Chapter 3

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After dancing for a while strykore had popped out of nowhere "Spyro!" said Strykore. I yelped out of surprise. I turn to look at the floating head, "I think we need to establish some ground rules about the pop-ins" I said looking back at strykore. "I don't react well to my servants talking back. Eon must have knowledge of the Map to Arkus's whereabouts. Devise a way to force him to give up its location and--" Styrkore said before getting cut off by a knock at my door, we both look at the door and I quickly hid strykore under a basket, leaning against to make sure it doesn't float back up, and as soon as I hid him Eruptor opened my door

"Hey, buddy"  'Sup?" I said while looking at eruptor "We got class and the art show, pal." said eruptor "Oh---[fake coughs] You know, I'm still feeling kind of under the weather. I think I'll just hang back today [coughs again]" I said pushing back out my room but then he holds the door open "Eon told me to keep an eye on you." eurptor said pushing my door open.

"So if your not going to class, I'll bring class to you." said eruptor sitting on my bed opening a book he brought, I groan and layed on my bed letting eruptor sit down on it as well opening a book "'It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.'  Well, that seems pretty contradictory"  eruptor said but as he was speaking I look over to the spot where I hid Strykore at to see it smoking up, "On second thought, I'm suddenly feeling much better. Let's go to class. Just give me a minute?" I said will flying to the door opening it. "Wait a minute." said eruptor looking behind me " Is that a new poster" he said while pointing to it. I looked behind me and saw what he was talking about "[signs] Yep. Nothing gets past you." I said closing the door. I quickly rushed to the basket taking it off and seeing it was on fire a bit, and I start jumping on it trying to put it out. "These skylanders are more annoying than I thought. Now get to work" strykore said making his floating he disappear. 




I was helping Strykore with some books looking for some hints about Arkus then spyro popped out of know where. " Ah, spyro. What do you have for me? " said strykore while looking at him" You're gonna love this, stryks. Can I call you stryks." asked spyro looking back at him " Cool, cool, cool. So, I know how to get Eon to give up the Map to Arkus.

"I'll use my new magic power over technology to program his phone to brainwash him into telling the truth." replied spyro " Interesting"  said strykore " Right, So next time Eon checks this app he's obsessed with, he'll be incapable of lying, and that's when I get him to spill the beans" said spyro.

 "Ingenious. People are obsessed with their phones. Isn't that right, Glumshanks?" asked strykore looking at the goblin "Yes, sir. Greebles are possessed by their scones" glumshanks said while looking at his phone "I dont understand why people like them, what happened when people had to get up and look for the information, and how do I use it when my claws are to big to tap anything" I said looking at strykore. "I don't know either about that" said strykore.

"OH, FATHER! " said Kaos bursting through the door and hitting glumshanks in the face. Then spyro quickly left "Ight, Imma head out learn more about these new things call me if you need anything Strykore" I said teleporting to Spyro's room looking for him. 'Hmmm maybe he's at the academy' I teleported to the academy 'Hm not here either oh- wait why is he at a art..... show is this what people do now and days'  You continue to look around the academy and looking for anything that could possible help in the search.


I was sneaking around the academy being all cool like I am then I get a sent of something familiar I turn around the corner and I bumped into Y/N "What are you doing here" I ask her "The same thing as you dumbass what else " replied Y/N  "oh I didn't think you wanted more from the last time we were alone" I said in a seductive voice,  hen I saw her blush a bit 'How cute' I thought "First off, I'm not cute, and second I can do whatever the hell I want to alright and you can't stop me" she said glaring at me. I sigh 'wait' I look at her "And yes, I can read your mind if you were wondering so if I were you I would keep your mind quite and clean, unless you want to get smacked in the face like this," she said then in a quick swoosh she slapped me and man that hurt a shit ton. I wince in pain holding the spot where she slapped me  "Well damn ok then I didn't think someone like you would act like that" I replied "Oh shut up and lets get to work" she said looking around the place.

After a bit of search we came up empty of anything useful. She sighs in defeat, "Ok then I'm heading back to the castle and DONT SCREW THIS UP ALRIGHT OR ELSE" she said in a angry tone pointing her very sharp claws at me with a glare "Ok but I don't make promises to girls like you" I said while winking at her, then as she was flying away she slapped the top of my head with her tail, I soon got back to work. I saw that Eon's phone was on a table I did my magic spell "See you soon, Eon" then I turn around and yelped to see Eon right behind me.

"Spyro! Good to see you again so soon. I want to reiterate my apology. If I'd just come clean about your ancestors, none of this would have happened." said Eon "Oh yeah, really, not a big deal." I said while looking at him "Not a big deal. Oh! Such selflessness, but I can tell it's really bothering you." said Eon then I made a notification sound ping, "Oh, hey, you hear that? Sounded like you... your phone." I said "And I swear, I swear by my beard, that I will find a way to make it up to you." he replied "Well, you can make it up to  me by revealing the secret to that lean  physique. How many steps have you walked today? A million" I said with enthusiasm looking up at him.   

"Oh, Spyro. let me check". he said while walking way with his phone in his hand. 'yes, yes, yes.' I thought "Hmm. Well, that's a shame, I'm out of storage. Looks like I'll have to delete an app to make room. Oh well, so long walkatron--" said Eon before he got cut off by spyro "But, sir! Are you sure you want to go back to counting steps in your head, I mean what is this 2014? (Oh god I died of laughter when they putted that in the show) said spyro, so worried.

Y/n's pov

I was watching spyro and that damned wizard having there conversation after I had realized the spyro failed at his first attempted to get him to say what we wanted and it was funny when I saw spyro's face changed, I'll have to talk to him later to see if he has questions about his family. I can just see the doubt in his face * I flew back to his place just exploring a bit then I found a photo book of him when he was still good, these pictures look happy. I heard the door open I turned around and saw spyro looking upset "so how did it go" I said

 "Complete waste of time, he's still very idiotic about his beard" spyro said then jumping on his bed groaning like crazy "ya that's what he does-" I said before I got cut off by him "how do you know Eon?" he asked "well you see, when me and strykore were younger we would study magic with each other, he would always say he wants to grow a nice long beard but me and strykore would sometimes get tired from him talking about his dreams." I replied "wow that's a lot, and by the way, why are you in my room you know anyone could find you here right" he said "ya I know but if they did I would exterminate them" I said with a smirk. 

 "well if you do kill them then everyone will get suspicious" he said "ah that's right, then I'll just knock them out" I replied. I went to go lay next to him on the bed "hmm this bed actual comfortable" I said to him "ya its nice so want to have some fun~" he asked. I look at him a bit unfazed but I blush and snickered a bit looking at him, "Oh really and what makes you think you'll be the one causing the fun~" I said seductivly back at him. It made him blush as well "You know you're a funny dragon thinking your flirting is special, I've heard way better pun in my time" I said jumping out of his bed, "and you should probably start thinking of a new plan before strykore pops back in" I told him giving him a kiss on the cheek and waved by flying away.  As I was flying away all I could hear from him was stuttering words as he was trying to yell something at me. 

edited: 10/16/23

1598 words

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