chapter 5

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The next day

Y/n pov

I woke up early as normal and I saw spyro asleep on the floor *I guess he fell off the bed* I thought. "Hey wake up" I said getting off the bed and shaking him awake. "Huh" he replied slowly waking up "ya, ok I'm up" he said getting off the floor, stretching. "Did yoy sleep ok?" I asked "ya I guess put my back hurts a bit" he replied "that's cause you feel of the bed" I said back.

"Oh really well I'm ok" he said walk to the calendar to see what day it is. "Oh it's the nomination day" he said "what's that?" I asked "oh, its something the skylanders have to do every year for saving everyone all the time" he replied "oh I remember that from back then" I said about to leave. "Where you going?" Asked spyro "I'm going to look in the relics room since you guys are going to be gone from there, I'll let you know if I find anything, bye" I said flying away "bye" said spyro

Later that day

Spyro's pov

"This is the 10th nomination and 10th win for the skylanders in this category" said the announcements. We all got up and walked to the stage and Eon got in front of the podium about to start his speech. " in this time of uncertainty with a danger looming ahead it's good to know everyone still believes in Skylanders, and now some inspiring words from the team" said Eon then eruptor went first with his own speech " this is really a great honor 'yawns' again" said eruptor still tried " I'm using the trophies for the first four winds as paperweights, but I guess I could always use another" said pop-fizz " to save time heres my speech from last year" said elf then she played and recorded voice saying thanks " what an honor I I just have so many people I want to thank in alphabetical order, Aaron, Adam, Bab-" said Jet-Vac but I cut him off since we all know it was going to be VERY long " listen folks brass tax we're all only here for the after party so let's wrap things up before I get hungry. We appreciate the award, and rest assured, so as long as the Skylanders are here 'softly' which, really, who knows how long that'll be for? Ahem but until then, the Skylanders have nothing to be fearful of-" I was about to finish then we all heard a loud boom from behind us. "Uh except for that" I said before getting off the podium.

" I bet you anything this was the work of bombshell" said elf " that totally makes sense, I mean, his name has the word bomb in it" said pop-fizz " I wouldn't be so sure about that, I analyzed this rock sample from the destroyed Island and found traces of ammonium nitrate, but bombshell is known for using Traptanium as an incendiary" said ka-boom " how are you so knowledgeable about these things" Asked Jet-Vac " I am an explosive expert. Why do you think they call me kaboom?" replied kaboom " I always thought it was a family name" said eruptor " we appreciate the input, but I think the Protectors of the year have got this, now last I heard, bombshell was locked up and Cloud cracker prison, so this means he must have escaped" said elf " then let's get to Cloud cracker tout suite and investigate, spyro, you're on point" said Jet-Vac pointing at me.

" you know oh, I'm 'fake coughs' I'm still not feeling a hundred percent so why don't you guys all leave and I'll stay at the academy by myself, that is a great idea, jet vac" I said pointing back at him "Huh, Uh yes why, thank you" said Jet-Vac chuckling a bit "hmm, well we can't go on Mission like this one Skylander short" said elf " I will accompany you" said kaboom offering up " Kaboom, you're a heck of a security guard, but maybe you should leave this one to us" said elf shutting kaboom offer down " no, the last thing the Academy needs now is more security, Kaboom will be an indispensable addition to the team, good thinking, Jet-Vac" I said all excited " why, I am just full of good ideas today" said Jet-Vac " all right, Kaboom I guess you're coming with us" said elf then I saw them walking away.

I flew back to my room. I opened my door then closed it seeing strykore's head floating infront of me, I yelped " I'm growing weary of asking you the same question" said strykore " have you just been waiting in here for me all day?" I asked " have you located the map to arkus yet?" He replied " cool your evil heels, stryks both me and y/n are working on that and besides those Sky Landers are off on some foolhardy mission oh, I've got the whole place to myself oh, and you know what they say about what happens when the cat's away" I said "no" replied strykore " yeah me neither, that's why I asked, but in any event it there's only one place and I can be keeping it, the relics room which is also the place y/n is already looking at right now so I'm going to there and help her out so there's no problems" I said "good now get to work" said strykore then he disappeared from my room.

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