In the contract, she signed that she will work for four complete years and she won't be able to leave till after completing those years. She can demand that they change her pose, it is okay by her to look in another wing far away from Imad and his new bride. If there is anything on earth that she hates, then it is seeing Imad with another woman. Though she said she does not love him anymore, she can't watch them, no

And is it okay for her to feel betrayed by Usayma? Because she feels this hot anger of betrayer surging through blood like a dangerous vaccine. She can't believe the girl she thought would be her best friend turned her back against her and got married to her once husband. The minute she turned her back, the woman stabbed her like a snake. She won't lie about not liking the girl, she was honestly looking forward to having a best friend for that year. She's wanted them to have some kind of bond but now, she could only hate her like she's never hated anyone in her life. Just the sight of her will make her go crazy so the whole time, her eyes were down casted.

"Who amongst you can cook?" She heard Usayma's sultry voice, the one she's once loved and wanted to imitate. Not anymore, she despise that going through her ears, it makes her eardrums bleed.

"Uh, Ameena she worked in the kitchen so she might knows how to." Amirah heard Lubabatu saying to the woman who asked the question. She didn't even raise her head to acknowledge her so Aidah nudged her ribs in an attempt to bring her attention, if only she knew what goes on through her head.

"I need some traditional food please. The one you know I can eat because it's my first time tasting any Nigerian dish." Usayma requested but she didn't sound kind, neither does she sound offensive.

Not friendly at all so since she is not ready to be amicable with them, then who are they to force her? It's not like this is there first time handling spoiled brats in the Palace, it isn't. Sometimes even the elite guests are very rude to them, nothing they can't take but not Amirah. She once thought the girl is going to be her best friend but look how she is talking to her, well, to Ameena not her. It's better that way though, because Amirah honestly won't take that rubbish, the disguise is amazing.

"Sure." And all the five maids made their way to the kitchen just to cook but Amirah knew better, they are going to help her gossip.

Stepping into yet another sargia and spruce coloured kitchen, her breath hitched in her throat seeing as she's never cooked in her own kitchen when she was married and brought to that Palace. Imad ordered the maid to bring food for them that morning and they ate Falak's snacks that very evening, she didn't have dinner though, because she was divorced. Her heart constricted in her chest, making it hard for her to breath in the fresh air conditioning room to her lungs.

She's forgotten how sweet it was to be with Imad, being Imad's wife. Her life was much more easier, more interesting, and absorbing, she loved every moment spent with him. But look what she's caused herself, great and intense pain. The anguish could even be detected in her face, her chest feels like it is getting pierced deep with an arrow. Not any arrow, poisonous one named heartbreaking arrow. She felt tears rolling down her face, making a trial of mascara to follow along with it.

Now, another woman would've been inside that kitchen cooking if she had known how to cook. Usayma would've being inside that kitchen not her, but since she is there, she will make sure she is the first one that cooks in the kitchen meant for her. Maybe he didn't change the Chamber's furniture because he doesn't hate her? She knows that is her being delusional and hopeful but what is this feeling biting at her heart making it tug and flutter with different emotions?

Whatever it is, she doesn't want to find out at all, she does not! How could she want to when it only happens when she thinks about Imad? When she awoke relishing her dreams like that is the closest thing she is holding onto to keep her sane? The time when she would stare at his shirts she stole from him when she left Chicago? Then the times when she touches her lips and feel his presence dominating her reasonable and rational sense? And that moment where she gave her virtue, her chastity, her best gift given to any woman, to him.

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