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" there are two mino 67893542728 and my baby sisiter 6742244552612 but in case i have worst case in emergency just mino please i dont want my sister to worried much and about that i dont have bank account i usually just save money in our house we have sfe there coz we dont have bank in village" jisoo awkwardly said

" no problem jisooyah ill open you one ok ill give it to you in few days for now lets go and let me introduce her to you". they get out from jisoo building and and walk in few meters, makes jisoo confused

' you park your car pretty far" jisoo giggling

" not really jisoo, were here" jisoo didn't notice that they face a very expensive building she ever seen and what makes her amaze.

" use your i.d here ,just tap it to open the door, i register you here already and the key to open her penthouse, its easy to remember the floor us 23, its hers alone whole floor_"

few minutes they stop on the floor and suelgi let jisoo open it with password and key, yeah for security purposes when they open it they were so shookt, the place is such a mess, it looks like the party just ended, few bodies is scattered like there dead but suelgi had enough, she advice jisoo to step back and she get the electric horn to wake them up.

She gesture jisoo to cover her ears and press the button on the horn.

" in count of 5 if you still in this room, you all know what i can do!!!!"

1!! even they have headache they get up without thinking the pounding headache.

2!! not even thinking what they look like they dash out.

3!!! thy are gone then the other room open and its jennie walking like nothing happen , looking fresh and she had enough sleep. with a cup of coffee that shr have in her room.

" thank GoD your here i dont know how to get them off!" jennie said not even looking tat them.

" look jen stop throwing parties like this you dont even drink you just let them in for sure you dont even know one of them its dangerous jennie, and your spending money to them its not worthy you know! one day if something happened to you because......' suelgi has been cut off

" look suel im sorry ok, this will be the last time i promise, and i think you bring someone stop nagging your getting old! want some coffee?" giving her the gummy smile that only few can see.

jisoo looking at her, missing her lisa already, thinking those smile can light up the world just like what she see now suelgi signal her to come closer.

" this is jisoo jen she will be your p.a, before you say anything let me remind you to those former p.a you have, im not the one who hired them, remember you believe so much on hear says and you dont know if that person have motive on you, and jisoo, i personally choose her she work for me to you so you cant fire her_" suelgi sternly said

" you trust her so much suel, so im no one to refuse im sorry all the trouble, im just so lost suel you know that" jennie looking down while petting her Pomeranian brown dog

" i know and you forgot im also here jen, you can share it to me dont let your burden eat you ok?!" lets go and have a late breakfast im calling for delivery, while you can talk to jisoo, and hey jisoo can you cook?." they both look jisoo with hopeful answer

 YOU NEVER KNOW (LISRENE) COMPLETED Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora