Chapter 1 : Himurran

Start from the beginning

I walked inside and saw no one sitting on the desks next to me. What? Do you think I sit on the desk near the window? It would be a dream to be there, but no.

Good thing too, I don't have to introduce myself to this Fukunaga guy without any interference by any of my friends.

I was minding my own business, looking around the classroom, watching students passing by, noticing a face near me...wait.

I slowly look down to my desk to see, a girl staring right at me with a grin. Without any warning, I jolted from my seat and fell off my chair.

"Oh my, you alright there?" The girl asked me and I nodded. "Sorry for frightening you but Akabane-chan told me to talk to you." So she's a friend of Emika. Judging by her looks, jet black hair in a pixie cut, overall feminine expression and attitude, it wasn't so hard to think that this could one Emika's friends from the top classes.

"I'm Murata Fumi, you're Himura Sara-chan, right?" I nodded and heard someone sitting. Fumi's face lit up with joy and her grin grew wider, I don't know you can do that.

"I knew it!" I heard her mumble and waved at the person who sat next to me. I turned to see a guy with dark hair, wide eyes, overall neutral. He just looks like your run-of-the-mill guy, just with wider eyes and catlike face.

"So Akabane-chan told me to do this, you've met Shouhei-kun before, right?" Everything came full circle.

Fumi walked to the guy and talked to him from a while, he didn't respond to her either. He just kept staring, got a little shy too. Like all boys do.

"Shouhei-kun, this is Himura-chan. I see you've met before in class, riiight?" Fukunaga shook his head, which made her jaw drop. "H-how about orientation day?"

He pointed at me and kept staring, which was scary.

Fumi gave up completely and just made us shake hands, which was completely uncalled for. Now I know how similar she and the other two are. A copy.

"Himura-chan, wanna have lunch with us later?" Fumi offered me. I don't want to but I also was curious about who're the other people. "It's just going to be me, Akabane-chan, and Hoshiko-chan." Oh...

Oh no, that's chaos right off the bat.

Before I could even respond, she already left.

I sighed again and rested my head on the desk, looking out the window from my view. I could also feel like being watched, which gave me goosebumps.


"Hey, did you guys heard about the guy who seeks out the girls from the first year to join a sports club?" Fumi mentioned.

"That'd be Yamamoto-kun." Emika chuckled and opened her lunch box.

Hoshiko almost choked on her food, "What, Yamamoto-kun? Isn't he sort of timid around girls?"

"Dunno, I saw it for myself. He went to my class just to watch the girls."

I kept eating my food and listened to their conversation. 'Yamamoto...sounds familiar.' For most of the time, I kept a blank mind until I wanted to ask about something they promised me.

"Interhigh?" I spoke up.

They all collectively paused and blinked. "You have a cute voice!!" Fumi squealed and hugged me tightly. "You sound just like a boy from an anime!" Anime? Is Fumi an otaku?

"Interhigh." I repeated.

Suddenly, the trio paused and looked like I've mentioned a death of a loved one. I never seen them like this, something must've gone wrong.

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