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"R0-53" opened the nearest Vehicon comm channel while humming a tune he heard recently.
Two Vehicons were currently wondering if they should risk it and paint something on their frames to distinguish themselves from the others. A few others gave their opinion every now and then but for the most part everyone else was hard at work in whatever mine they were working in. He himself was wandering through an abandoned one by himself in hopes to find some energon they could've missed.

 "I say go for it." He finally gave his own bit. Can't have Soundwave catching onto someone just logging on and never saying anything... aside from the TIC himself obviously. He didn't really worry about being suspicious since there was nothing off about R0-53 to find, he rarely even lied. Also personally he thinks Soundwave agrees with him hence why no one's trying to find a way to... offline... him yet.
Personally he thought they definitely SHOULD make themselves unique. It might stop people from constantly calling them drones. "What're they gonna do? Throw you off the Nemesis? Boss Bot's already down half his army he'd be nuts to just off someone on his own side without warning." :This IS Lord Megatron we're talking about...: the familiar voice of D3-R3K reminded sourly. "I mean... I guess you're not wrong." He conceded. At the mention of possible doom another voice popped up (N0-4H) :Then sign me up! I was thinking a splash of pink on my helm or some of my joints.: "Pink IS a good colour...."
R0-53 managed to squeeze through a crack in a cave wall, following the dim blue glow he could barely make out in the distance. :Why do we keep mining energon again? I'm pretty sure we've got a steady supply that should last us a few earth months.: a new voice complained. :Not that we get much of that suply, so more than a few: D3-R3K deadpaned. :So the Autobots don't get it?: 5T3-V3 wondered out loud. "One mine sure but stripping several clean for no reason other than "Autobots" is ridiculous." :You've said it Rose.: M4R-13 agreed. :ouch! MARIE! that's my pede!: N0-4H cried out making everyone cringe including R0-53. That's another trip to Knockout for that poor bot. "I can practically feel that. Mining Pick?" :Yup, his pede was impaled by Marie's mining gear.: D3-R3K confirmed. "Owww." R0-53 shuddered, consciously glancing down at his own foot.

He actually found Energon! A fair amount too! "I'm off to my next shift, wish Noah well for me." He logged off before he quite eagerly started hacking away at the crystals.

R0-53 dusted his hands off as he dropped the last shard he mined for the day next to a table in a different cave... Now to track down the person he mined the energon for in the first place. R0-53 stretched and rolled his shoulders a bit to ease the tension that had built up due to hours of mining, before disappearing into one of the cave's many large tunnels.

R0-53: Can't be a traitor if it's not your warحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن