~Goodbye my heart~

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In my dreams you're mine,

In my life, you're just a dream.

.Rahul POV.

It was another series well done, another win in our crown. I didn't realize there was some kind of pressure on my chest until it got completely off my chest after scoring heaps of runs in England. I contributed to the team's win. I made the people who always believed in me so proud. It was such a happy moment for me, winning the test series, performing well and sharing the moment with my fav people in the whole world.

Now that the series is over and there's no tournament for the upcoming two or so weeks. I couldn't help but imagine a relaxing schedule for myself. A schedule that'll certainly involve heaps of sleep and some food and exercises too. But, I'll undoubtedly stay on my bed cuddling with Simba binge-watching shows.

And miss the ICT craziness. Well, maybe not miss that too much. I mean, after all, Virat bhaiya and yes, I definitely won't ever address him as bhaiya face to face, will certainly call and video calls me like minimal twice a day and let's not add the number of memes and other stuff he groups shares, just because he can.

So, yeah, I won't miss the crazy that much for it'll find me virtually too and it's just two weeks without them. So, right now, I was totally in the mood of enjoying the peace as much as I can.

My driver, yes, I have a driver, his name is Murugan. I call him kaka. He is like double my age but he is a very kind man. He tells me many stories while driving me to and fro through today he is silent letting the music play, maybe he understood I'm tired. I've slept in the car like loads of time, after, returning from a tour. So, maybe he doesn't want to disturb my rest.

I had just closed my eyes to rest them a little. No, I wasn't trying to sleep because a certain Kohli will have my head if I don't answer his calls. Why? Because my captain has this bad habit of worrying like parents. He wants all of us to inform him when we land and reach our homes. It's like the first thing he wants us to do, quite like worried parents, ordering their kids to call them after reaching the place they went too.

So, I wasn't that surprised that my phone started ringing just a few seconds after I closed my eyes. I was certain, it was a certain Kohli calling to ask why haven't I called and where am I? But it wasn't.

It was an unknown number flashing on my screen. For a second, I thought to ignore the call. I mean, I was tired and hoping to nap. Why should I answer an unknown call but the next second I thought I should pick up the call. Not many had my personal number. So, it might be an important call or my friends might be pranking me, anything was possible.

"Hello, Is this Mr KL speaking?" An unknown gruff voice asked as soon as I picked up the call. Well, right now it seemed like my friend's prank call to me. Were they really this faltu to prank call me after like spending three months together? still, I decided to humour them.

"Yes, speaking," I said as professionally and as seriously as I could muster.

"I'm sorry to disturb you sir but your contact was saved as an emergency contact in Miss Lily's contact list," The man spoke in an apologetic tone and I felt my heart thunder with fear and nerves. I last heard from Lily like five years ago when I was still a struggling cricketer not the star batsmen of the ICT.

"What...What happened? Is Lily okay?" I asked the ominous feeling emitting from the call, too much for my still helplessly in love with her heart, it's not like I hadn't tried to move on. I had but I couldn't. I still loved her too much even though I could never tell her so as anything but a friend.

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