When All Is Said And Done

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sorry the first part was so short, this one will be longer :)

i do not own any of these characters or greys anatomy

After welcoming Saffron into her tense, awkwardly silent home and letting her sleep in her room, amelia quickly got out her phone and called derek.
*over the phone*

"derek derek derek"

"what amelia i'm tired i've got the day off let me sleep"

"first of all stop being lazy, second you'll never guess who turned up at my door five minutes ago"

"who" derek said, clearly not caring


derek shot up in bed and instantly paid a lot more attention to the conversation , "saffron as in our little sister saffron, saffron who was meant to be staying with addison?"

"yep, i've got the day off so come round and see us later"

"will do, thanks for calling, see you later"

amelia ended the call and went to see owen in the spare room.

"i'm sorry, i didn't know my baby sister would turn up at the door"

"you've been more welcoming to her in the past 10 minutes than you have to me in months" he complained while sitting on his bed and staring at the floor, trying to avoid eye contact with this wife.

angrily, amelia snapped back
"well she has done nothing wrong to me, you on the other hand god where do i start"

trying to wind her up more, owen said with almost a smirk on his face, "where do you start then"

"you cheated on me with your best friend, and if that wasn't bad enough already, you still expect me to have your baby!"

"i did not cheat on you with teddy, that was just a kiss it meant absolutely nothing that isn't fair!"

"living with you, none of this is fa-"
amelia was interrupted by her little sister appearing in the door frame.

"sorry to interrupt, i was just hoping to talk to you lia" saffron quietly said, not meaning to have walked in on what sounded like quite an important argument.

Amelia was quite happy to be saved from that, she'd done the same thing with owen most mornings, "don't worry, i would much rather talk to you"

amelia walked out the room and took saffron's arm and dragged her to her room. she sat her baby sister on her bed and walked round tidying up the small mess she'd made in a matter of minutes.

"why are you here saffie, i thought you were meant to be staying with addison" the big sister said, turning her pain into anger.

"i thought it was time to come see you and der, it's been a while" saffron spoke quietly trying not to upset her sister anymore.

"without any warning? you could've at least got addison to call or something?"

"you've changed a lot, it used to be you turning up out of the blue and worrying everyone, now you've grown up and have a husband even if it is one you argue with constantly" saffie spoke the truth, amelia knew it.

amelia didn't want to reveal much, but she knew her past had changed her, and she knew owen had changed her.
"you need to get changed, you'll freeze in seattle wearing LA clothes" once again, this was new amelia talking.

"i may or may not have forgot to bring most of my stuff" the younger girl admitted.

amelia smiled, "of course you did"

she got her baby sister a t-shirt, hoodie and pair of leggings from the draws and gave them to her. "i'm gonna go make some breakfast"

saffron nodded then got changed while amelia made them all beans on toast.

—————4 hours later, 10 am———

derek arrived at amelia and owens house and walked straight in, not bothering to knock. He was also aware that amelia and owens marriage wasn't going well, not because amelia had told him- she would never admit it, but because he knew his sisters far too well.
he was first met by the familiar red head, "morning hunt" not even trying to hide the fact he didn't like him.

"morning shepherd" he said bitterly while grabbing his coat and walking out the front door and slamming it behind him.
derek found his two baby sisters in the living room, catching up with friends on the tv in the background.
"Saffie!" he said very excitedly with a very big smile on his face, almost matching saffron's.

"derek!!!" she jumped up from the sofa and flung her arms around him, burying her head in his shoulder.
amelia grinned at the sight of her two favourite siblings and couldn't help but miss the old times.

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