part 2 package

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(Solomon) calls Keisha" yo I got that package you was asking me for earlier I'm at the crib pull up on me".
(Keisha) answers phone "aight say less, great timing".
'Keisha makes another phone call' ringing.....
(Pat) "hey girl what's up"
(Keisha)" what's up you busy right now"
(Pat) " nah just putting some clothes on what's popping"
(Keisha) "shit bout to go see the plug n grab this package I ain't wanna ride alone I called nikki ass that bitch ain't pick up"
(Pat) "girl come get me I ain't doing at the house right now anyways".
(Keisha) "aight I'm down the street"
Keisha pulls n blow the horn pat comes outside and gets in the car.
(Pat)"girl how far this plug stay"
(Keisha)" not that far bout 10minutes away"
Keisha's phone ring....keisha looks at phone
(Keisha)"now this bitch wanna call back"
(Pat)"answer it n see where she at"
(Nikki)" hey you called me"
(Keisha)" duh bitch you do see a miss call from me right"
(Nikki)"my bad I was using the bathroom"
(Pat)yells "stank ass" laughing out loud.....
(Keisha) "I called u to take this ride with me but u ain't answer so I called (pat)"
(Nikki)" oh okay I'm bored as shit over here anyways come get me let me ride with yal"
(Keisha)" okay be outside in 5minutes"
(Nikki)" aight let me grab my bag"
Keisha pulls up....bitch we here....
Nikki gets in the back ....
(Nikki)"slams car door hey bitches what's up we doing tonight"
(Pat)" bitch ion know I'm just riding with keisha to see the plug"
(Keisha)"yal wanna know something funny the whole ride over here I was thinking about us robbing the plug n taking everything lol"
(Pat)"dont joke like that cause I do need the money, Bills nd the kids shit a few bands would come in handy right about now"
(Nikki)"screams" WHAT ARE YAL CRAZY"
(Keisha)" no far from crazy we just talking some real shit"
(Nikki)"niggas do shit like that not ladies we've never done nothing like that before"
(Keisha)"exactly why we should do it cause he ain't gone see it coming he dont expect us to be on some shit like that"
(Pat)" shit bitch I'm down let's rob his ass n come up"
(Nikki)" this is crazy I'm not so sure about this what if he's strap, most drug dealers have guns on them"
(Pat)"this bitch scary, keisha if she dont wanna do it then it's just us 2 more bread for me"
(Nikki)" I'm not scared I was just saying we gotta be careful that's all""
(Keisha)" aight bet since we all down we gone rob his ass he not gone strap cause its girls what nigga comes outside with a gun for a car full of women".
(Pat)"that's what I'm saying"
(Keisha)" check the glove department jason always leave an extra gun in the car just in case see if it's there"..
(Pat)"oooo I see it girl it's in here"
(Keisha)" aight its go time"
(Nikki)"omg I cant believe we actually bout to do this"
(Keisha)"girl shut up it's gone work matter fact let me pull over so we can plan switch seats with (pat) since u scared sit in the front seat nikki"..
(Pat and nikki switch seats.....
(Keisha)" aight this what we doing, when I pull up he gone jump in car to show me what's in the bookbag so i can check out the merchandise, pat u hold onto the gun since u gone be sitting right next to him just dont let him see it"
(Pat) "aight cool what else"
(Keisha) " once I check the product n gives the heads up I need you to up fie on him put the gun to his head"
(Nikki)"how can you be sure that this is gone work"...
(Keisha)"bitch keep it a 100 what real nigga you know gone go around telling people n his homies that 3girls robbed him for sum bricks, lol be honest he gone look like a sucka trust me nobody ain't never gone know what happened"...
(Nikki)" hahahahah now you're talking dat do make a lot of sense".....
(Keisha)" tells pat once u put the gun to his head ima do the talking n make him get out""....
(Pat)" girl I'm loving this plan already oh shit call him we almost to his house"....
Keisha calls Solomon "" I'm pulling up to your house right now"
(Nikki)"girl here he comes"
(Solomon)" looks in da car" ""damn yal deep in here..

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