Fullmetal moonsault

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somewhere outside the Daikoku village

Kazuki:i'm tired of all of this.I'm going out from This village and go for normal life.NOBODY will stop me.

As kazuki walk outside the village he saw something in the forest

Kazuki:What is that?

he walk further to see a grey suitcase.

Kazuki:A suitcase?why there's a suitcase here?

Kazuki:I wonder what's inside the suitcase

Then Kazuki open the suitcase and see inside of it as it contain 2 build driver,nine fullbottles,cross-z dragon,Rabbit-Tank sparkling can,a buildphone,and 2 nebula gas serum.

kazuki:What is this?wait....There's a note in here

The Kazuki read the note

if you have found this suitcase that means You have been choosen to be The successor of Kamen Rider Build and Kamen rider Cross-Z To keep This world from the evil.Inside The Suitcase There's A Build Driver,fullbottles,and Build Phone.In order to use it,You must inject yourself with The nebula gas in order to use the Build Driver.There's 18 fullbottles but there's 9 fullbottles so You  have find the Remaining Fullbottles.There 2 Driver,first is for Build and second is for Cross-Z.In order To transform, you have to shake the fullbottles,put it inside the driver,and then crank The lever and say "henshin".There's a best match that can be your advantage to face your opponent.This is your best match
For Cross-Z user have to use the Cross-Z Dragon to transform.

Kazuki:for real?I mean...this is must be a prank to give this toy to people and tell them they're hero.but i guess i'll take this suitcase since no one would take it anyways

Kazuki then close the suitcase and pick it up to bring it with him.

Kazuki:Wow this is heavier to be a toy,But nevermind.

he's about to leave but suddenly...


a dozen of puppet appear before him

kazuki:What the... puppets?!What are puppets doing here

kazuki then ready his sword to ecounter the puppets

(A/N:i'm still newbie for fight scene i hope you can forgive me for this🙏)

The puppets start to attack kazuki as they start attack kazuki deal with the first puppet by dodging the attack and slash the first puppet and it fall as it turn to dust.the other try to attack only to be blocked by kazuki and get stabbed on the chest.The two last puppets try to immobilize him but kazuki head toward the one puppets and kicked him out and stab it with his sword slash the last puppet.

Kazuki:(smirk)Ha....need more than that to stop me.

as he start moving he hear a voice

???:stop right there!


Kazuki then turn back to see a human silhouette.

Kazuki:Who's there?!

as he shout to the silhouette it came closer until it reveal a teen girl with ninja garb and a dog

Kamen rider Build x Moe ninja girls:The Genius Rider returnWhere stories live. Discover now