The rest of the day is pretty laid back considering how many people were on the beach. "The lifeguard service is closing for the day. We advise that you leave the water and come back tomorrow. If you do go in the water, stay close to shore. Have a good night," Chappo says on the megaphone. Harries and I take down the flags. The equipment gets put away. I sit down on the sand at the southern end of Bondi. "Aren't you heading home?" Hoppo asks. "I will in a bit. I want to relax here for a bit," I answer. "Alright. See you tomorrow," he says walking away. By this point, the beach is empty. I do some relaxation to clear my head of the nightmare lingering in the back of my head. "Well look at you Miss lifeguard," a man says from behind me. I turn around to find the man who said that girls can't be lifeguards. "What do you want?" I scowl. He smiles creepily. "Payback," he whispers. My heart jumps to my throat. The man slaps me across the face causing me to bleed. He kicks my legs and stomach. I shout in pain. The man puts a knife to my throat. "Don't you dare scream," he commands. I nod with tears flowing down my face. He punches my shoulders. I bite my tongue to not cry out in pain. I whimper in fear. "The boys aren't here to protect you now," the man says with a grin. He injects something into my veins and everything goes black.

Chappo's POV

Deano and I are leaving the Bucket List when we see a figure laying alone on the sand. "Let's go check it out," Deano says. We walk briskly down the beach. The figure becomes clearer. "It's Angel," I gasp sprinting towards her. As we approach her, my heart sinks. She has bruises on her legs, stomach, shoulders, and face. Worst of all, her lifeguard bikini bottom is around her ankles and she's bleeding between the legs. "Jennifer, are you alright?" I ask her shaking her gently. Her eyes remain shut. I check for a pulse. "She has a strong pulse and she's breathing," I state. Deano sits down beside me. "Wake up sweetie," he says. Anger floods my veins that someone assaulted and raped her. "Oye there's a syringe next to her," Deano exclaims. "Oh mate, this is awful. Should we take her to the hospital ourselves or get an ambulance?" I ask. "Let's get an ambo. I'll call a few of the boys and Bisho," he says. I call Hoppo, Harries, Kerrbox, and Bisho while Deano calls for an ambo. Everyone except Bisho answers and races down to help us. Hoppo covers her bottom half with a towel. "I can't believe someone would do this to her," Harries says. "It's absolutely horrible," Kerrbox sighs. The paramedics arrive. "Hello, what happened here?" a woman asks. "We weren't there, but it looks like she's been assaulted, raped, and injected with something," Hoppo says. One of the paramedics packages the syringe and Jennifer's bikini bottom. "How long has she been unconscious for?" the male paramedic asks. "At least ten minutes," Deano answers. We help the paramedics put Jennifer on a spinal board just in case and they put an oxygen mask on her. We carry her up to the ambulance. I go with Angel in the ambulance and the boys follow us in their cars.

At the hospital, the doctors are quick to take Jennifer away. Harries, Hoppo, Deano, Kerrbox, and I wait anxiously in the waiting room. "What a rough day for her. She had a bad nightmare and now this nightmare," I say quietly. The boys look a bit confused. "What bad nightmare?" Kerrbox asks. "She had a nightmare where she died. She told me before we started for the day," I answer. "She didn't seem quite herself today. That explains it," Deano says. "I wish I would have known not to leave her there alone," Hoppo sighs. "Thank god you and Deano found her," Kerrbox states. A doctor comes to the waiting room. "Family of Jennifer," she calls. We immediately stand up and follow her to a room. "Is she alright?" Deano asks. The doctor takes a breath. "She is pretty bruised up. Our drug test confirms that she was injected with a sedative which was likely administered before she was raped. She'll need to be tested for transmitted infections in a few weeks since it is too early to know at the moment. There is a risk of pregnancy, so we can provide her with emergency contraception when she wakes up. We recommend having a rape kit completed, but we need the patient's consent for that first. She should be waking up soon. She'll be very drowsy and confused," the doctor informs and leads us to her room. Jennifer is covered in bruises, but she looks so peaceful. She's going to wake up to an awful nightmare.

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