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Trigger Warning: Assault & Rape

I was laying in a hospital bed surrounded by the boys. Josh holds my hand and kisses my cheek. Pain floods my chest. The hospital monitors beep loudly. My eyes shut. My heart stops. Cries fill the room. Funeral workers take my body away. They dress me up and put me in a coffin. My family, the boys, and Josh mourn. My funeral is held at Bondi. They have me buried at the cemetery overlooking the beach.

I jolt awake sitting up in my bed. I breathe heavily. I tap my face with my hands to make sure I'm not dead. My face is sweaty. I check my phone to see what time it is. 5:45. I have to be up for work in fifteen minutes, so I might as well stay awake. I slip my feet into my thongs and walk downstairs. I turn on the light, pour a bowl of cereal, and eat it dwelling on my disturbing dream. I wonder if it means anything. I splash cold water on my face as I washed it to clear the nightmare from my head. I brushed my teeth, put on my lifeguard uniform, put my hair in a ponytail, and head to Bondi for my shift.

"Good morning," I say walking into the lifeguard tower. "Hey Angel! You're here early," Chappo commented. I walk up the steps to face the beach. "I had a nightmare," I whisper. Chappo puts his arm around me. "I'm sorry. What was it about?" he asks. "I died," my voice says shakily. I put my face into his chest. Chappo wraps his arms around me. "That's scary eh. That scares me, too," he says. I hug his waist. "Do you think it means anything?" I ask. "I wouldn't think so. We'll always look after you and make sure nothing happens to you," Chappo answers. "Thanks," I smile. We head inside the tower to hear our positions. "Okay everyone, here are today's positions: Deano and Jennifer at backpackers, Harries and Jethro up north, Kerrbox and Chappo at the flags, and Tom's with me in the tower," Hoppo announced. "You ready, Jennifer?" Deano asks putting his hand on my shoulder. I nod with a smile on my face and we drive down to backpacker's in the rhino. "You're awfully quiet today. Is everything alright Angel?" Deano asks with a concerned look on his face. I knew I couldn't fool him. "I had a really creepy nightmare last night where I died," I say putting my knees to my chest. "That's awful." he frowns.

By mid-morning, the beach is beginning to fill up. "Attention to all these swimmers in front. You're in a very dangerous area. Please return to shore and swim between the red and yellow flags," I say on the megaphone. A swarm of people leave backpacker's. "Look at you! It's like you're the pied piper," Deano smiles. I laugh. A man remained in the water and got caught in the rip. "I'm going in," I radio. I take my jacket off and run into the water with a rescue board. I paddle out to the man drifting out to sea. "Jump on the front," I tell him. "But you're a girl! I'm not getting rescued by a girl. They can't be lifeguards," the man shouts. "Well mate you better get on if you if don't want to float out to New Zealand," I tell him. He scowls and gets on the board nearly kicking me in the stomach. I bet that was on purpose. I pull him back and paddle him back to shore. We catch a wave and get off the rescue board. "Why's she a lifeguard? Girls can't be lifeguards," the man yells at Deano. "Mate leave her alone. She's one of the best in the service. Girls can absolutely be lifeguards and if you don't like that, go somewhere else," Deano stands up for me. The man's face gets red. "What a disgrace," he mutters walking up the beach. I dry myself off with a towel. "Well he was sure a nice bloke," I joke. "I'm sorry you had to experience that. Just know that none of that is true. Don't let Mr. Grumpy Pants ruin your day," Deano says giving me a hug. "Thanks Deano," I reply hugging him back.

"Jennifer, go ahead and take your lunch break," Hoppo radios. "Okay," I radio back. I walk back to the tower. "I'm so sorry that happened to you, Jennifer. If he bothers you again, we'll kick him off the beach," Tom says. "Thanks. I'm surprised something like this hasn't happened to me before this," I replied. "Thankfully most people are decent down here," Hoppo states. There's a knock at the tower. "I'll get it," I tell Hoppo. I jog to the door and open it. "Hey babe," Josh says holding a bag. "Josh, how did you know I was going to be here?" I smile. "Lucky guess. I brought you fish and chips from Speedos Café," he answers. "Thank you so much! Today's not been my day," I sigh taking my food. "It just got a lot better," Josh replies kissing my lips. I smile and kiss him back. "I have to go have lunch, but could you exercise Jewel for me? I'm here all day," I say. "Of course, babe," he replies. I go to the break room and enjoy my fish and chips.

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