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It wasn't supposed to be like this.

She heard the footsteps approaching, but she didn't move. She didn't move when Clarke drew out a knife and stepped in front of her. All she could see was the cold lifeless face of her best friend staring right back at her. Her and Clarke dug his grave for what seemed like hours. She still had the dirt under her fingertips to prove it.

Juliet hadn't spoken a word since she calmed down. She was full of self loathing and didn't have enough room inside of her for any other emotion. She was angry at herself for wasting all this time mad at him. She was angry at herself for letting Clarke go alone. She was angry at herself for not going to him sooner. She was angry at herself for breaking down in front of everyone. She was angry at herself for being weak. She was so full of anger she didn't dare speak.

"You two shouldn't be out here alone. What if I was a grounder? They got Wells just outside the wall." She internally cringed at the words coming from Finn's mouth.

"Says the guy who just spent another night exploring the woods by himself." Clarke countered shoving her knife back in her boot. She walked a few feet away from Juliet's sitting form with Finn following. He started at her sitting form with sadness in his eyes.

Juliet blocked the two out seeking silence. She didn't dare close her eyes only being able to see his face. She felt someone sit next to her, but didn't move to see who it was. They put a hand over hers and she recognized the sleeve of the jacket instantly. Monty.

She hadn't spoken to him since Jasper woke. She wanted nothing more than to reach over and hold his hand, but she didn't. She didn't make a move to even acknowledge his presence. He opened his mouth to speak, but she shook her head. If he spoke she would surely break down again.

"Monty, let's go." Clarke ordered to the shaggy haired boy. He lifted his head in question. He didn't want to leave Juliet on her own, not at a time like this. He would sit in silence for as long as it took.

"You can't help her now." Clarke spoke staring between the two. She turned and walked back to camp.

"Where you going?" Finn called after Clarke already moving to follow.

"To make her feel it." Clarke responded determination evident in her voice.

Monty stared after Clarke and Finn contemplating his next move. "Jules." He whispered watching her face closely for a reaction. "I'll come back, ok?" When she didn't reply he sighed deeply. He stood slowly giving her one last glance before walking after Clarke.

Juliet didn't know how long she sat in silence. She noticed the sun stood in the center of the sky and guessed it was midday. "I'm sorry." Juliet whispered staring at the dirt underneath her fingernails. "I wasn't there for you. I should have been there for you." She had long stopped crying, but she could feel the tears begin to well up. She stood quickly and began pacing. "Do you remember how I used to talk about Earth like it was the only thing that mattered?" She asked laughing in to the void. "You would just go along to make me feel better." She continued running her hands through her hair. "You're my best friend." She whispered coming to a halt.

Her head pounded from all the thoughts she kept within. Her eyes burned from all the tears she shed. She laid down parallel to the grave beside her."Earth, it wasn't supposed to be like this." She closed her eyes taking deep breaths.

"For, Wells." She pushed herself to walk back to camp. Sitting in silence solved nothing and she was determined to punish whoever killed Wells.

She had just walked into camp through a small opening when she heard Clarke yell. "You son of a bitch." Juliet lifted her head to see Clarke shove Murphy.

Shadow and a Dancer ➵ monty greenWhere stories live. Discover now