Chapter 9: Denigan

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Denigan made his way down to the guard house early in the morning. He'd been leaving Bimisi and Ahanu behind at the tavern while he played his scams in the city. So far, he'd been rather successful, and he was getting a feel for the rhythm that ran this huge city. In far off corners of alleyways crept memories from years ago, and that did give him pause now and again, but he was better now than he was back then. Just a child all those years ago.

He knew the world better now, enough that he finally felt in control. That put a spring in his step as he went through the door to the guard house. He stood out of place amongst those garbed in black armor and he in just soft traveling leathers.

"Can I help you?" A tall woman with a sharp nose blocked the path further into the room.

Denigan tilted his head slightly to one side and crooked a grin at her. "Hope so. I'm looking for Captain Evario. Is he here today?"

The woman folded her arms over her chest, the metal scraping across itself in an ear-aching screech. "What business do you have with the Captain?"

Drawing a tongue across his lips, Denigan lifted one shoulder. "That business, whatever it may be, is between himself and me. I'd appreciate it if you would bring me to him. Upstairs, yes?" He nodded toward the stairwell behind them.

"Being evasive won't win you anything here," she snorted. "I'll kindly ask you to leave. And the next time, I won't ask so kindly."

Denigan flared his hands out next to his sides and took a step back, but a voice near the stairs stopped them.

"Thank you, Lieutenant Marsh. I'll take him from here." Captain Evario stood on the bottom step, a hand still on the railing. "Denigan, isn't it? I thought to see you here sooner and feared you'd left the city already."

The woman stepped aside but didn't let her glare leave as Denigan walked past her to the stairwell. Denigan shot her a wink before following the captain upwards.

"I had some errands to run first. It wasn't easy getting the two settled inconspicuously."

Upstairs was just as spartan as down, but the set-up was clearly two part- bedroom and office. Must be that Evario stayed here more often than not. The bed was perfectly made, and the paperwork on the table was neat and organized. Evario was a man of details. Denigan suddenly felt thankful they had made it through so easily with the papers he'd handed this man.

"Have you been able to contact the Magus Knights?" Evario motioned to a chair at the table and took his own seat in front of the paperwork.j

Denigan shook his head. "Not as yet. I had a few other things to take care of first." He pulled the chair out and sat in it, tossing one leg over the opposite. He folded his hands over his knee and observed Evario quietly. He had a strict posture even sitting, and it seemed odd that the man had been so charmed by Denigan. "Why did you let us through, Captain?"

Evario's lips parted and then he smiled, just a small movement in the corner of his lips. "I believed you, mostly. Those two with you were definitely not Caesaromagians. I was curious what would happen if they were introduced here." He sat forward, leaning his forearms on the table. "You know what has been happening here? The Tower has been locked down for days, preparing for a meeting with the Knight Councilors and the Twelve Families." He shrugged a little. "Tossing a couple Anishinaabe in the mix could really stir things up."

It was hard to tell if the man was serious or playing at a game that Denigan hadn't caught on to yet. Deciding to take him at his word, Dengian asked, "And what do you think that would do? Stirring things up?" He chuckled. "It's not good to stir up a hornet's nest, and that's likely what this will be considering who we're playing with."

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