Chapter 7: Denigan

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More than anything, Denigan needed his two companions to look the part. Inside Magus City there may have been plenty of shops and seamstresses, but with the increased guard at the gate, they weren't getting in looking like they currently did. The scrolls of pedigree would help, but Denigan needed to build his characters their first outfits. Right now, they looked like Wildfolk from the tales. They needed to look like forest dwelling royalty, not bloodthirsty killers. Perhaps the village would have something to create with, enough at least to get them past the guards and into a decent tavern.

The gate was bustling, and Denigan feared a complete lockdown if things got out of hand for the guards. The archer towers weren't for decoration after all, and during these trying times, people were becoming more cautious. Or more volatile.

"Come on, we need to move quickly," he urged and pulled his mare around toward the village.

"Why are we leaving the gate?"

He could always trust Bimisi to question him. "Because, the village'll have things we need to get through."

"Like what?" Ahanu followed up.

"Clothes, a bath. Perfume if we're lucky." Actually, the thought of seeing Ahanu all made-up was exciting; maybe after a nice, warm bath he'd relax the scowl that was always plastered on his face. The man was too tense for his own good. He wore that tensed look now even as Denigan offered his explanation.

"A bath sounds nice," mumbled Bimisi.

Well, he got the harder one on his side. They trotted away from the noisy crowd and down across the fields to the neighboring village. Here lived the people who took care of the fields and livestock outside of the city, supplying food to the Magus Knights in their Tower. The village was small but wealthy. The homes were as nice as those within the city itself, built up to hold large families who worked under the Knights' seal. It was a village that was not messed with by anyone. Denigan had lived here for a time, very shortly while he got some money together to leave Magus. He wouldn't likely know anyone now, but he seemed to remember there being a nice bathhouse.

The streets were well paved, clearly cared for, and the signage was easy to follow. The bathhouse was on the main street just off from a tavern and inn. It seemed fairly empty in town, and Denigan guessed many of those at the gates of Magus City were men and women from here trying to get their goods inside to sell.

They left their horses just outside the bathhouse on tie-posts and Denigan rummaged through their bags, looking for the gold he carried. "Try not to say too much. I know these people and don't wanna be turned away 'cause you accidentally made one of 'um mad."

"How well do you know them?" Ahanu had stepped up next to Denigan, but his eyes were focused everywhere else.

Denigan leaned slightly to catch his eyes and watched the man's mouth twitch before he coughed, stepped back, and looked away. Hmm. "I know about them. I know how they think."

"Mm," Ahanu murmured, quickly tugging the braid of hair from under his pack and over his shoulder. His hands moved along his braid in anxious seeming movements.

A woman stepped out from the bathhouse as they approached and looked at the three of them. She smiled. "How can I help you fine folk?"

Denigan flashed a smile and put his shoulders back, straightening up. "Well, good afternoon ma'am." He put on The Voice as he thought of it. "We've been on the road far too long and could really use a bath." He stepped around Ahanu and swept up the steps to the woman. He leaned against the rail of the stairs, still grinning. "I'm sure we look awful."

The woman scoffed. "No worse than any of the others who show up at my doors. Come, let's get you all settled. I'll assume you'd like some tea and biscuits with your bath? We have new fruit in from the recent harvest, too."

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