Chapter 32: 2 different 2 days

Começar do início

I walk to the bed and sit down. They follow suit and sit down on each side of me. We are alone right now cause Beth needed a new jacket. So all the moms went thinking it'd go faster. They've been go for 2 hours.

"What's going on?" I look at Rachel confused "Not the band thing...during the movie you seemed out of it"

"Did we do or say something?" I look at Santana who looks upset "I promise I didn't mean anything bad and I didn't mean to hurt you if I did!"

"You didn't hurt me" I put my arms around them and sigh "I was thinking back that I'm HBIC at school and I like control even while I'm my old self...Lucy had control over things and that translated over to Quinn"

"So my control in the relationship takes from yours?" I nod and Rachel slaps my ribs "THATS WHAT WAS BUGGING YOU?!"

"Ow!" I grab my right ribs and look at Santana "She's abusing me"

"Good" Santana smacks the back of my head "I'm joining her!"

"The fuck?!" I jump up and sit facing them "What the hell is that for?!"

"Because we thought we did something while asking about the bands!" Rachel knits her eyebrows together and try's to look threatening "I was worried sick!"

"I was too" Santana does look threatening "If control is what you need then we can give some to you! Just talk to us dumbass!"

"I'm sorry" I sigh and move back to the spot I was in "I have problems doing that sometimes"

"I know you do" Santana puts her arm around my shoulders "We still love you though"

"Yes we do" Rachel wraps her arms around my waist and looks up at me with a smile "We love you very much"

"I love both of you so much" I give them each a kiss "So can I have the power?"

"Sound like she doesn't deserve it" Santana smirks and looks at Rachel "I think she shouldn't get it"

"I agree" Rachel smirks at Santana "She shouldn't have the power"

"Excuse me?" I raise my eyebrow high and look at Rachel "If you wanna ever have a chance of being big spoon with me I'd rethink your decision"

"There's the controlling Lucy" Rachel sits up and gives me a kiss "Now can we go watch the movie?"

"I think I have a better idea" Santana runs downstairs and then back up after a few minutes "All the doors are locked so let's get doing things"

I roll my eyes with a smirk. Of course she'd think that way. But with the way Rachel's kissing my neck I'm not gonna complain. Let's use the alone time to our advantage.

-Shelby pov-
I could be at home sleeping, I could be eating, I could be reading, I could be doing anything, and instead I'm in a store. We've been to several ones and picked out tons of jackets for the girls. Sale after sale has been going on. You'd think you'd only have to look at one jacket so many times!

"Alright!" I sigh and look at the girls "Beth looks sleepy! Why don't we go home?"

"I guess we have been here for awhile" Judy looks at Maribel "You ready?"

Maribel nods and we finally are set to leave. We but the jackets and head to the car. That's when all hell breaks lose. Snow starts falling like crazy, Maribels pants rip, Judy starts saying she has to pee, and I drop the keys in between the seats.

"I really have to pee but I can't see through the snow" Judy starts shaking her leg and rocking the car "This isn't good"

"I need you to stop rocking the car please" I feel the keys and the car rocks just knocking them away "Damn it!"

"So how bad is the rip?" I look over at Maribel and see the door caught most of the leg "That bad?"

"I can see your panties and thigh" I look up at her face and nod "It's bad"

"I can only stop for a bit" I look at Judy who's looking at me "Find the keys!"

I go back and finally find them. I look up and see we aren't going anywhere. I pull the keys out and turn in the car. The heat starts spreading and we all let out a relaxed sigh...WAIT JUDY!

"SHIT!" I turn back and see her blue pants turning navy "Got too relaxed"

"Is beth ok?" Judy looks over and nods "So at least something hasn't happened to me"

Me and my bug mouth. As soon as those words leave Judys urge moves to me. I cross my legs as the urge hits hard. Judy smirks and Maribel shakes her head.
I look around to find a bottle.

"Why is there no bottles?!" I tighten my muscles as the snow starts letting up some "Hold on!"

I push us into drive and speed away. Not the brightest idea in hindsight but I didn't care. I get onto the road and battle the urge to pee. I see Maribel start touching the radio and go to a now music station.

Once they start singing about rain I turn it, next song is about snow which turns into water, I turn it again and there's something else liquid on it. I glare at Maribel and she turns it off. I hear Judy chuckle and I shake my head.

We make it home and I can barley move out of the car. The urge is getting stronger. We get to the door and I twist the's not moving.

"Oh no" I look back at the girls "They locked it"

"Use the key!" I look back at the vehicle "No"

Maribel jogs over and pulls on the handle. The door doesn't open. Judy pulls out her phone and starts calling them but it's too late. The time has come and pass. Now I'm freezing out here like Judy.

It takes a few minutes but soon Santana opens the door. I look at her and raise a eyebrow. She looks confused then looks at herself.

"Well" She looks up from her only sheet covered body "This was fun"

"You're all in trouble" Santana pouts then smirks "You're all out of trouble if we never talk about this again"

"Agreed" Santana grabs Beth and fixes the blanket "We are having a girls night now"

I roll my eyes and go inside finally. My first stop is the bedroom and I grab some sweatpants. After getting changed I go to the living room and get joined by my girlfriends. We end up on the couch watching movies and cuddling.

Gotta love the holidays.

-Lucy pov-
Santana brings Beth into the room and over to us. I make a little area for her to lay down and cuddle with us. Is our dress attire modest? No. But does a little baby know that? No.

"So" I look over at Rachel "Rudolph?"

I nod and we get the movie started. Rachel wraps her arms around me and I smile. I may want control but we are a unit. I love my unit.

I love the holidays.

Forgive me, help me, be with me (fapezberry) {Complete}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora