That's Enough

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"I'll protect you, Y/N. Even if you don't want me to."

What the hell did that mean? Why does Spencer think he needs to protect me?, you thought.

It didn't matter, you had more important things to focus on. Hotch walked in front of you and Spencer up to the door of Casey Rogers' house. It was small, probably one bed, one bath at most. The yard was littered with broken lawn furniture, and the house was so dirty the once-yellow paint was now brown and muddy. There was a pile of mail on the welcome mat. He barely got his fist up to knock before the door swung open. A short woman with long brown hair and a robe wrapped around her stared up at your boss. She didn't seem to notice you and Spencer.

"What do you want," the woman said.

"Good afternoon, Miss. I'm SSA Hotcher from the FBI. These are Agents Reid and Y/L/N. Are you Ms. Casey Rogers?"

"Feds," she scoffed, "I could tell just from your fancy black cars. What do you want?"

She didn't answer the question, you thought.

"Well, Ms. Rogers, we're investigating a string of murders in your area. We believe you may know the man who is committing these crimes. His name is Joseph Argon."

She tilted her head back and laughed. "Joey?" she cried. "No, no, my Joey would never." 

"Your Joey?" you chimed in. Hotch put a hand up to you, telling you to back off.

"Yeah, my Joey," Casey started. "We went together a while back. Gave me a few shiners here and there, but nothing I didn't deserve. He's a good man, my Joey. Wouldn't hurt a fly if he didn't have to."

This time, it was Spencer who joined in. "What do you mean, 'nothing I didn't deserve'? What'd you do to make him hit you?"

"Oh, you know, the usual things. I didn't make dinner early enough or I was too tired to put out. I wasn't a very good girlfriend, now that I think about it."

"Are you serious? What misogynistic hell did this man put you through?" you asked, fire in your voice.

Hotch spun around to face you. "Agent Y/L/N, that's enough."

You looked directly into his eyes. His deep, beautiful eyes. "No, Hotch, it's not. This freak has this poor woman brain washed and I'm supposed to just pretend she isn't?"

He ignored what you said and turned to Reid. "Spencer, take her to the car."

The doctor lightly grabbed your arm and whispered, "Let's go, Y/N, it's not worth getting in trouble for." He walked you back to the car and opened the door for you. He moved to get in himself, and you began talking once the door was closed.

"That's bullshit!" you yelled. "Fucking bullshit! This psycho killer has this girl thinking she deserved to be abused? Aaron is so fucking pathetic for ordering me away. He's just scared of me, I think."

Spencer moved his hand onto yours. "Y/N, it's only for the sake of the case. Hotch doesn't want anything to jeopardize it, Ms. Rogers might be all we have."

There were a thousand things you could've said in response to that, but instead you ripped your hand from Reid's and scooted over, staring out the window. He took it as a signal to leave, and made his way back to Hotch. 


"I'm so sorry about that, Ms. Rogers," Hotch began. "She's relatively new, she hasn't gotten her emotions under control yet." 

"Yeah, well, she better fix her attitude. She'll never find a husband like that," the woman said. "Anyways. Like I said, Joey was a good guy. Temper issues, maybe, but definitely wouldn't kill someone, now that's just ridiculous."

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