A: Have you meet with an accident?

S:(perplexed) Wh....what???

A: No I thought that you might have an accident and some chemical reaction happened in your brain that's why you are talking all this rubbish

S: Are you mad?

A: Exactly, are you mad? What the fuck are you thinking? I am damn sure that this is just a planned murder, downfall of stocks, everything was planned, now just stop blaming yourself

S: When you started doubting my father

A: When I got to know that he visited his lawyer, maybe he was aware that truth will be out one day

S: Anika I want you to solve this case as soon as possible

A: And I want you to be strong enough to handle the situation, have you seen Rudra's face in the morning? Do you have any idea how much afraid he was?

S: No I will...I will handle everything

A: Yes, okay tell me do you doubt anyone? Means in this business world many people have a rivalry with you..so?

S: Don't know Anika, of course, Oberoi Industries is number one industry. But how can our stocks decrease, it's impossible

A: Okay leave this, you tell me you want to go home?

S: Not now

A: Okay whenever you feel like, just get back

S: Are you leaving?

A: Yes, you want some time alone right?

S: Please be with me
Anika couldn't say no because she knows what he must be feeling, she thought to lighten up his mood

A: Okay fine I am here only
They were looking at the view of the Mumbai city, the cool breeze, rough ground, many questions in both of their minds and somewhere a satisfaction that they are together right now.

A: Ummm...shivaay

S: Hmm

A: What are you thinking about marriage?

He was damn stunned
S: Hain???

A: I mean you have any girlfriend or you are looking for someone or.....

S: I don't have time for all this

A:(eyebrow raised) Oh!

S: What about you?

A: Not now but yes after this case, when I will leave for Gwalior...

S: What?? Are you leaving Mumbai?

A: Yes, this is my last case here, after that I will be posted in Gwalior

S: Do you get this time only to make me sadder?

A: Wait a minute billuji, why are you feeling sad?

S: Why wouldn't I, my girl is leaving me

A: Excuse me?

S: What?

A: What is this, my girl? When I became your girl?

S: You were always my girl

A: Shivaay just shut up you already know that I don't like these cheesy lines

S: And you already know that I don't like this kind of joke

A: You know what you will never change, you will always be sadu

S: Really I am sadu then what are you? Like seriously Anika you are afraid of dogs?

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