S1: Episode Nine

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Lyla Brooks

I knew it changed everything now. I knew they're going to pity or be pissed at me. Especially Jessie, who I trusted more than anything, but this was something too dark.

Too private.

I sit there, not looking up at anyone or anything around me. Then, I hear clapping. I look up to see Zain, smirking and clapping slowly.

"Look at you. Brave aren't you now? My brother must've brought out something in you. You Never would've said it out loud in front of your friends, let alone scream it. Good job brother," Zain says, looking down at him.

His brother gives him a thumbs up and then stares right into my eyes.

"I've been watching each and every one of you. Why do you think my brother only targeted the gym? Because I told him too. I knew you would be there Lyla. From the very beginning, ever since you found that slip of paper about helping out with the tickets, I knew I had to bring him in there to terrorize you and your lover. What was his name? Oh! Ian?" Zain asks, smirking.

"You psycho! You little bastard!" Jessie yells out, making the gun press harder on her head.

"Oh my. Jessie Hollis. Oh dear. I'm so sorry for your loss. It's too bad Lyla couldn't save him. My brother has a crazy way of ending peoples lives. Who would've known!" Zain says.

"Why? What did we do to you?" Jeremy asks him.

"Everything! You and your so called jocks bullied me for years! Treated me like dirt. Then, there's Gina. Rejected me down in front of the whole school. Embarrassed me! You made me a laughing joke for months! You ruined me you slut!" Zain yells out.

"What? I never-" Gina says.

"You don't remember? It was my freshmen year. I had just started to grow a crush on you and so I wanted to be romantic. I knew the Valentines Day dance was coming up so I decided to write a little love note. Asking you to the dance, like a poem. I watched you open it and then, tear it up. Not only did I watch you ruin my lovely poem, you also found me and started calling me a Freak! Everybody laughed at me that day. It was humiliating!" Zain explains, almost loosing his temper.

Gina stares at him with confusion but then realizes everything and looks up at him.

"I'm so sorry. I hated myself after that, I swear!" She yells out, begging for forgiveness.

"Too late. After all, I wasn't your type anyways. You were into adult men. Isn't that right Mr. Carson? It sucks we have one teacher spreading their legs, but two? What would the principal think? Huh? Hearing this terrible news? I can tell him, you know? After all, I have proof," Zain says, heading over to a table and then comes back, showing us his laptop.

We all notice a big picture of Gina laying on top of a naked Mr. Carson in Gina's bedroom. Gina squirms in her chair and then glares at him.

"You stalked me?! You creep!" She yells out.

"Your not the only one. I have pictures of each and every one of you. I have loads of pictures of Jeremy's life as well. Not too perfect for your dad, huh? Living in your sisters shadow? Must suck. I know it must be, feeling like a failure every single day. I heard things from tonight. Killing my brothers friends. Big boy has balls doesn't he," Zain says.

He motions to somebody and next thing I know, the guard behind Jeremy clocks him in the back of the head with his gun. Jeremy falls flat on the ground and barely can get back up on his own, until the guard picks the chair up for him and makes Jeremy look straight up again.

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