S1: Episode Three

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Purge Day.....


<Lyla Brooks>

As I'm walking into the school this morning, the whole mood is different. Everyone is barely talking and happy.

I notice Gina, whose usually calling me names, is ignoring me. Weird.

I know Jessie told her to stay away from but I didn't think Gina would actually listen to her.

It's strange.

I open my locker door and after I close it, I notice Jessie chatting with the Drama teacher.

Her usual look when talking to a guy is no smile, no twirling her hair, or blushing, but she's different now. Her face is lit up and her eyes are big, looking at him.

She has a crush!!!

But she'll deny it if I say a single word about it. She's always been stubborn.

She finally walks over to me, with a bright smile on her face, and I give her the eye. She notices it and goes back to being her usual self.

"Jessie? Anything you want to tell me?"

She squirms uncomfortably, just standing there, and then surprises me.

"The Drama teacher is single. He told me he just broke up with the girl he's been seeing," she said, sounding excited.

"What happened to Jessie who wouldn't tell me about boys she admired? Huh?"

"That Jessie was the old version. This Jessie is crushing on a teacher, who may admire her back," she says, staring at him again.

"But are you hearing yourself now? A teacher. Whose not allowed to date or flirt with students."

She goes back to being sad and eyes me.

"Thanks for ruining my mood."

"I'm sorry, but I'm just looking out for you. That's all," I tell her, as we're walking to our first classes.

"I know. That's why I love you. But look at everyone, they're all nervous," she says, looking around at all the depressed faces.

She's right. Usually on Purge day, everyone at school are sad or scared. Sometimes they don't come to school, because they're getting prepared for the night to come. It's sad.

I say bye to Jessie and head to my first class, passing all the sad faces behind me.


After my first two classes, all they talked about was the history about the night and footage of other states during this night. It's usually all repetitive.

At lunch, me and Jessie are sitting at our usual table, picking at our cold chicken, when we hear screaming across the room.

We both look to see Jeremy and an old guy, who seems to be his dad, arguing. Jeremy is ignoring him, while his dad keeps pestering him.

I don't know much about Jeremys family but I've heard people talk, who knows if it's true, but they say his dad is Very selfish.

Not much is known about his mom, but his sister is a big shot cardiologist, who brags about her successful surgeries on social media, I guess hoping Jeremy to see them. Bitch.

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