Chapter Three

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"Ash. Ash. Ashline!" I am woken by Tubbo shaking me and yelling my name, I guess I slept longer than was expected.

"Huh? I'm up, I'm up Tubbo! What time is it?" I ask, rubbing my eyes to wipe the sleep out of them, I look up to Tubbo to see him all decked out in his L'manberg uniform. 'Oh shit, did something happen when I was asleep' I think to myself, starting to panic.

"Uh, it's like 8 am I think. Wilbur told me to wake you up so we can go walk to the walls together, Dream wants to speak to us all." Tubbo states, nervously fidgeting with his fingers.

"Oh alright, uh let me get dressed quickly?" I say, my tone questioning, my head tilting to the side.

"Yeah! I'll wait outside the door" Tubbo exclaims, bouncing out the door. He closes it softly behind him. 'He's so adorably innocent' I think to myself, smiling lightly.

I quickly change out of my oversized blue t-shirt, which might be Eret's, and my leggings into a plain black baggy t-shirt, navy blue skinny jeans, and my combat boots. I tie my red flannel around my waist too. I quickly make my way out the door to Tubbo, we make small talk as we walk over to the walls where everyone else is waiting for us.

"Nice to see you Ashline." Wilbur greets once we walk over and stand next to him, Fundy, Tommy, Eret, and Niki. He doesn't look over at us however, he stays glaring straight ahead at Dream, George, Sapnap, and Punz.

"I didn't think we would meet again so soon Ashline! Are you here to surrender before the war even starts?" Dream asks, a sinister grin all we can see on his face. Sapnap sways back and forth on the heels of his feet, his gaze stuck on the floor, not that I'm paying attention to him though! Not after what he did.

"We are not surrendering." Wilbur spits, interrupting me from my thoughts, glaring at the four males.

"Of course, of course." Sapnap sneers after George elbows his side. Sapnap's hand going up and resting on the pocket he keeps his flint and steel in.

"If you all lay one fucking finger on Ashline, my sister mind you, you will have hell to pay" Eret threatens, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me flush into his side. I glance up at his face and notice he's glaring at someone, I follow his glare and realize its Dream, who is glaring right back at him.

"If you threaten us again, you'll regret it." George snaps, his grip on his enchanted bow, probably maxed out, tightening.

"Listen here you little shits! Leave Ash alone. She hasn't done anything to you, assholes!" Tommy yells, balling his fists at his side. He's trying to hard not to run at them, I can tell from the way he's holding himself. At least he cares, unlike Sapnap, who hasn't even tried to talk to me since the incident.

"Tommy calm! There's no need for all these threats." Wilbur orders, shooting a disapproving glare at Tommy.

"I guess Ashline, Ash, angel whatever you prefer to be called, didn't do a good job relaying my message back to you, huh? I'm somewhat disappointed, I expected better from what Sapnap has told me." Dream states, clicking his tongue and shaking his head. He rolls his shoulders, something I was told he does as a habit. His hand falls off his hip, where it was resting, onto his enchanted netherite sword.

"It's Ashline. And she told me, my answer was just a simple no. We came here for independence, that's what we are fighting for. We will not back down." Wilbur states coolly, his glare hardening towards Dream. Suddenly, Dream just turns his head towards George and nods.


Im so sorry this took so long to get out!! School work has been pilling up and I didn't have much motivation to edit this chapter :(

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