Chapter two: Without warning

Start from the beginning

"We're do you think you're going?"

We turn around and see, nothing? We then turn back around to see this towering.......naga standing over us. his green body with flame details snaking down his sides. Baring his fangs and flickering his tongue at us.

"Well well what do we have here" he slithers closer to us. my ears go down. while sonics goes up getting into a fighting stance, trying to conceal the fact that's he's also afraid, I mean this thing is almost three times our size!

Narrators POV

Scourge flicks his tail at sonic, countering his spin dash sending him into a nearby tree.  Making contact back first with a tree  and him falling on his stomach to the ground.   Gadget rushes over to where he is, trying to in shield sonic from the naga.  And instead attempting to pull the stun gun on scourge from his backpack.  He effortlessly flicks it out of his hand his sharp tail sliding across gadget's whole arm and hand making him drop it. Gadget lets out a wince and pulls his arm back. Drops of blood staining  the ground beneath him.

Scourge smirks watching sonic trying to get up. But is unsuccessful due to his amount of cuts and slash marks and his arm. "Guess ill just start with you first. Scrounge closes in, backing the two into a tree knowing that there to weak and not strong enough To run away. His jaw starting to open, showing off his fangs dripping venoms black venom. Gadget pupils shrinks and his ears pining down. 

A spear whisked past scourge nearly missing his face but skinning e side of his check. He straights up and hisses outing his hand to his face.

"Your on jackal territory scrounge"

Scourge turns to his side, instantly recognizing the voice he hisses in frustration. "So the humans your about to feast on is mine and are to be taken back to my king." Blade hisses. Scrounge growls back obviously annoyed. "Finders keepers" scourge hisses and turns his full body to face him, taking a fighting stance.   "Your making a mistake, trustpaster" blade says his tail swaying behind him now coming unto full view also taking a striking stance . "Am I, dreadlocks?" Blade hisses in anger and jumps at scrounge them both colliding and rolling into a ball. blade gets up leveling him self. Scourge does the same, obviously upset that his meal was interrupted.

??? POV

"Blade, Blade! where are you!" infinite's gonna kill him if I don't find him first. For fucks sake blade theirs this thing called not leaving each other behind! this sucks, I know im not in your hunters squad but in the kings advisor so I over rule you not to mention that I need to make sure you all come back alive!!. Bell takes a deep breath and calms her self , requested by the king himself to go find blade and bring him back, he hasn't been with the hunting squad all day and infinite needed to remind him about-.  Her ears perk up to the sound of loud hissing and growling. she gets low and slithers closer.

Bell stops and gives off a small gasp

Gadget and sonic lay unconscious  out in the open. obviously very injured with open deep wounds. She slithers over to where they are. Noticing the dust flying and scrounge and blade fighting. Bell silently slithers closer and eventually slithers up close enough to gently scoop up the two unconscious bodies. She urgently  searchers for pulses "Their.....both alive" Astonished and grateful She glances over scrourge and blade fighting a tree trees away from her. "you guys can't be here" She tucks them both under her arms and gently but with urgency slither off back to the castle


Scourge tackles bell making her curl in pain from the blow. She immediately gets back up she hold  onto the duo tightly shielding them with her arms "I believe you have something of mine" Scourge says, hissing and towering over her. bell shrinks down, knowing she cant fight him off while still holding them. Scourge lounges as bell missing her body,  unfortunately  he manages to recover enough to stab her lower side of tail. Bell winces in pain. but coils her now red tail behind her. Scourge the goes to attack bell again when blade comes in from behind him and slices his back with his tail cutting through his leather jacket, slicing through his skin. Scourge crouch's over hissing in pain from the blow. He levels himself and sees blade looking down on him "Leave" Blade says in a serious not fucking around tone. Scourge growls but reluctantly slithers back into the forest, away from the castle in the opposite direction.

"Are you alight?" Blade asks. Bell looks at her tail, Its not actively bleeding but the marks still there.  "I-im fine" She winces, trying to move it" bell opens her arms a little bit, the duo still out but but have regained enough consciences to snuggle up next to each other, She smiles warmly. "Lets just get back. ill fell a lot better once were out of the forest I can bandage myself up"

Well there's probably some spelling mistakes in this chapter but I want to  publish it so uhh yea chapter two of their story. They've been saved! but where are they being taken? that is to be revealed in the next chapter! 

See you there! ;)


Ps if anyone knows how to spell scrouges name correctly please tell me or point it out.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2020 ⏰

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