Chapter 6

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After at least 10 minutes, there is a knock on my door. I open it. There is a girl there. She has black hair and hazel eyes. She smile at me. “You must be Jessie. I am Lily,” She says. She puts out her hand so I could shake it. “Yeah. That’s me,” I say quietly. I let her inside my room. “Wow. This room is fab. You have to have a party here. That will totally make your popular rise,” she says. She drops two bags down. I shut the door,. “Lets get started,” She says as she claps her hands once.

After two hours of torture for me, she finally has my hair, makeup, and clothes done. “I don’t understand why you dressed in boy clothes. You look fab in these,” she says as she examines me. “Thanks,” I say. She hands me the two bags. “These have all you need for everything. There are clothes, makeup, hair products, everything,” she says. As she walks toward the door, she turns around on the heel of her flip flops which I am now wearing as well. “Madie wanted me to tell you her and some others are coming over for a sleepover tonight. Hint hint, find a chick flick movie,” Lily says. She winks. “See ya tonight,” she says as she shuts the door.

I look at myself in the mirror. I did look good. In fact I looked great. But it is not me. Not me at all. I take a deep breathe. Just like Madison said, this is for the better. I get everything ready for tonight, which I just now found out that I am having a sleepover that I didn’t even know about. Once I set up everything I head downstairs. Girls are looking at me in shock and the boys are checking me out. I wish this never happened. I spot Jack and some of the others sitting on the coach. I stop at the end of the stairs. Jacob spots me. His jaw drops open and his eyes go wide. All the boys look in my direction. They are all doing the same. I take a deep breathe and head over to the doors. I feel someone grab my arm. I look over my shoulder to find Jack. “Okay. I have several things to say. One, are you okay? Two, why are you dressed like that? And three, wow,” he looks at me up and down. I bite my lower lip. “I can’t talk to you right now Jack. I can’t talk to any of you. In fact, I am not suppose to be talking to you right now,” I pull my arm away. Jack looks at me in shock. “JJ,” he starts. I interupt him. “It’s Jessie,” I correct him. He raises an eyebrow. “Okay? Jessie, what is going…” before he could finish, Madison comes over and locks her right arm with my left one. Jack’s gaze goes to Madison. “What are you doing?” Jack asks Madison. “What do you mean? We had a chat at the pool and we decide that is was best for Jessie to be acting like a girl and not a boy. In order to do that, she can’t talk to any of you guys,” Madison says. “Now come on Jessie. We are suppose to be going to your sleepover. It won’t be that exciting without you there,” Madison tells me. For a second it seems like she is my actual friend. But then I remember how she blackmailed me. Madison drags me away from Jack. I look at Jack from over my shoulder. He looks shocked and hurt. My eyes burn. “I’m sorry,” I mouth him. I look forward to climb the stairs. Girls start following us up the stairs. They are carrying sleeping bags and they are in the pajamas.

We reach my room and I open the door up. All of us stream inside. I hear gasps and ahs. “This is an awesome room Jessie,” one of them named Sarah says. I do a little smile. “I get that alot,” I reply. “Lets get this party started,” Madison says. She takes out speakers and an ipod. She puts on music. I hand her the remote. She presses the down button and the t.v. comes out. She puts in one of her own movies which is the first Twilight movie. She presses play. All the girls their sleeping bags around my bed so there is a circle and my bed is included. I go on my bed and face the circle. I have to act like a girl so I go on my stomach and cross my ankles. “Jessie. You look soooo much better. I don’t understand why you never dressed up like this. If I wasn’t saying anything better, I would say you are almost as pretty as Madie. I mean, your guys nicknames are even the same. You both have ie at the end,” the girl that said her name was Olivia says. Madie hits her with a pillow. Everyone laughs-including me. “What? I said almost.” Olivia says while laughing. I never thought having a sleepover would be so much fun.

For the rest of the time we are talking about what we are doing during the rest of the summer. Then someone brings up the worst topic for me. “I am hanging out with my boyfriend Jason,” Lily says. Madie smiles at me then shoves me a little. “So. Who in the boy group you been hanging out with have you kissed?” she asked me. I smile then shake my head. “None of them. I never felt that way about any of them,” I say. Madie rolls her eyes. “Come on. How can you not kiss one of them when they are all hot?” Madie says. I shrug. “I don’t know. Guess I was blind. Never looked what was in front of me to notice,” I say. “I could agree with that. It happened to me a once. There was a dude that was my best friend. Then one day he asked me out and it was like I saw him for the first time. he was so handsome,” Pride says. “Who was it?” I asked. She thinks for a while. “Jack. We only went out for a day though,” she says with a smile. “He dumped me. Told me his friends said if we dated for a whole day, they would pay him 20 bucks each,” she adds. “Sound like them to do that,” I say.

When it is 1 am, we all feel asleep I am guessing. I wake up with a pounding headache. I guess I ate too much candy or something. Then images from last night come to my head. I drank beer. Actual beer. Not root beer but actual beer. Jeez, never noticed how much fun you could have. I smile at that. Maybe this is for better. I look at the clock. It is 12 o’clock. There is a knock at the door. All the girls wake up because it is not just a little knock but a pounding knock. “I’ll get it,” I tell them. All of them are now sitting and chatting with each other. I open the door to find Jack. he looks at me. I am wearing my pajamas. They are really short shorts with a t-shirt that shows my back. My eyes widen at his sight. “Can I come in?” he ask. “Uh. Sorry but you..” I get a headache so I can’t finish. I move my fingers to my temple and squeezed my eyes shut. I groan. “Are you okay?” he asks me. “Yeah. I am fine. Just a hangover,” I say. His eyes widen at my words. “You drank?!” he yells. “Listen. You need to go before the girls in here get suspicious. We had a sleepover. I can’t talk. maybe if I find you later when none of them is around, I could just do a quick talk. But that’s it,” I tell him. “JJ. Tell me what is going on,” Jack says in a soft voice. I take a wobbly breathe. “Let me tell you what is going. I am sorry but we can’t be friends anymore. I can’t be friends with any of the guys,” I say. I look over my shoulder at the girls which some of them are up and eating. “Bye Jack,” I mumble as I shut the door.I lean against the wall and take some deep breathes.  I walk over to one of the bar stools and sit down. “So what is on the agenda today?” I ask Madie. She smiles. “You are having a party tonight. Remember. Last night you agreed to have one,” Madie reminds me. “To be honest, I don’t remember anything last night,” I tell her. She rolls her eyes. “Don’t  drink,” she says. I nod. She shrugs. “I’m going to help you throw an awesome party tonight,” she says. I nod. “Okay,” I answer.

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